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Wrinkles on Face

Wrinkles on the face are unwanted. People try anti-wrinkle injections to remove them. For better options to eliminate wrinkles, naturally, read on...
Nicks J
The onset of wrinkles on face is a warning sign of aging. However, formation of wrinkles can also be delayed and even avoided by following certain prescribed treatments.
There is absolutely no need to go for a cosmetic surgery to avoid or reduce wrinkles as, numerous side effects are associated with surgical procedures. Here are some easy to follow in order to avoid and slow down the process of wrinkling.

Home Remedies

Follow a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can go a long way in delaying the occurrence of wrinkles. Having a proper diet, rich in vitamins and proteins, is essential for a healthy skin. An unhealthy diet often leads to premature wrinkling.
Drinking sufficient amount of water is important to prevent drying of skin, which is considered to be the main cause of wrinkles. It is essential to drink 7-8 glasses of water daily to maintain the elasticity of skin. Proper intake of water brings a charm to the skin. Water moisturizes the skin, thus helping to keep the wrinkles at bay.

Stay Away from Smoking

The habit of smoking can indeed have a negative impact on the skin. An easy way to prevent early formation of wrinkles, is to quit smoking. Smoking reduces the oxygen supply to the facial skin which may lead to wrinkling of the skin.

Reduce Exposure to the Sun

Over exposure to the sun makes the skin dry, thereby increasing the risk of premature wrinkling.
Exposing the skin to the UV rays without wearing any kind of protection can damage the skin beyond repair.
Sunglasses, hats, sunscreen lotions, are some of the products that provide maximum UV blocking and minimize skin exposure. One can also wash the face daily with creams that have nutrients beneficial to the skin.


Weave exercises into your daily routine to avoid wrinkles on face. People who exercise daily have a healthy, glowing skin.
Exercising for 20-30 minutes a day is adequate to keep the skin healthy for years to come.
Higher stress levels has also been linked to formation of wrinkles. To get relief from stress, one can go for meditation or yoga.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is very effective to remove deep wrinkles on the face. A bottle of vitamin E oil available at various drugstores is inexpensive and when applied protects the skin from further damage. In fact, application of vitamin E oil can even prevent occurrence of wrinkles.
Vitamin E oil is also protective against free radical damage of the skin. To smooth deep wrinkles, use of vitamin E oil is the best option. Put a small amount of this oil on deep wrinkles before going to bed. One can also extract this oil from vitamin E capsules and use it on the affected part of the skin.


Papaya fruit that is full of antioxidants may also help to reduce the visibility of face wrinkles. An enzyme, papain present in papaya is found to be effective in correcting wrinkles.
As we all know, elastin and collagen are the two proteins present in the skin tissues that provide tightness and flexibility to the skin. Loss of these proteins with age leads to the development of wrinkles. External application of pulp of papaya helps to regenerate this elastin to decrease the appearance of papaya.
Papaya also has vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in the production of collagen. Take a ripe papaya, remove its pulp and then gently rub it on the facial area and let it remain for about 30 minutes. Follow this skin care routine daily and you will soon notice improvement in wrinkles. It is an easy home remedy to make the skin look younger and healthy.

Almond Oil

Use of almond oil is yet another way to combat wrinkle formation effectively. A facial massage with almond oil daily is a powerful remedy to diminish the appearance of wrinkles. Age-related skin problems such as dry, flaky skin can also be successfully treated with almond oil.
The moisturizing properties of almond oil makes the skin soft and supple. Its external application helps increase the firmness of the skin. Once applied, allow it to dry. Keep it overnight and then rinse it off in the morning. It is high in vitamin E and so using it regularly can improve firmness, decrease wrinkles and provide a charming glow to the skin.


Honey, known for its antibacterial activity is yet another way to make the wrinkles less noticeable. Honey acts as an excellent exfoliator and so its application works to remove the superficial layer of the skin.
With honey, wrinkle formation that is confined to uppermost layer of the skin is corrected, whereas deep wrinkles that also affect the inner skin layers become less noticeable. However, for best results you need to use honey that is free from synthetic chemicals.
Natural honey sold under different brands such as 'Manuka Honey' is often recommended to treat wrinkles. Massage your facial area with this natural honey and let it remain for approximately half an hour. Now, rinse the face with warm water. Follow this skin care routine for about a month and you will definitely notice skin becoming tighter and more elastic.

Anti Wrinkle Cream

There are a number of skin care products that claim to get rid of wrinkles but only a few live up to their expectations. Hence, choosing the right skin cream is very necessary to reduce wrinkles.
Firstly, you need to check the product labels that gives a list of ingredients in it. Reports suggest that wrinkles that contain a good amount of Retinol and Tretinoin (vitamin A derivatives) are useful in minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.

Aloe Vera

Use of aloe vera dates back to early Egyptian civilization. Egyptian history refers aloe vera as the "plant of immortality", which was extensively used for various skin conditions during that period. Aloe Vera has also been useful for the treatment of deep wrinkles.
Aloe vera promotes skin health and is a proven skin healer. It can also heal damaged skin caused due to exposure from harmful UV rays. Known for its anti-aging benefits, aloe vera gel is effective to make the skin free from wrinkles. As soon as the gel is applied, it is absorbed by the skin within no time.

Olive Oil

The high nutrient content of olive oil leaves the skin smoother than ever before. It is an active ingredient of various skin care products. Application of olive oil cleanses and moisturizes the skin. Daily use of this oil changes the appearance of skin, making it wrinkle free. Extra-virgin oil is the least processed and more effective for removing wrinkles.
Certain lifestyle modifications, a healthy diet and use of natural treatments is the best and the most inexpensive solution to avoid as well as erase wrinkles on face.
So, if you crave for that wrinkle free skin and want to keep youthful, healthy texture of your skin intact years down the line then make sure to incorporate the aforementioned 'skin friendly' tips to boost skin health.