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White Hair at Young Age

White hair at young age can be a distressing condition that most young people undergo. Read this story to get information on how to prevent premature graying at a young age.
Marlene Alphonse
The growth of hair occurs in successive stages. The roots of the hair contain small bag-like structures known as hair follicles. These hair follicles contain melanocytes which produce a pigment called melanin, which is responsible for the coloring of the hair. There are some strands of hair which do not grow and are still in the resting phase.
As time passes, these hair grow old and begin changing colors. The black hair gives way to gray hair. This process is common among people who are past their fifties. Contrary to the popular belief that gray or white hair is synonymous with old age, a few gray or white hair can also be seen in children and adolescents.
Many young people complain that they have noticed gray hair in their scalp. This premature graying of hair is called canities in medical terminology. Earlier only people above 50 years of age would have salt and pepper hair, but nowadays, many youngsters complain of gray hair. There may be various reasons for premature graying. One of the reasons that causes graying is the insufficient amount or absence of the hair-coloring pigment or melanin.
Reasons for Premature Graying
There are various reasons as to why many young people tend to have white hair. Some of the causes of white hair at a young age are enlisted below.
One of the main causes of having white hair at a young age may be genetics. If one or both the parents had gray hair at a young age, then the offspring may also tend to have premature graying. Though the specific gene that carries the trait of premature graying has not yet been uncovered, hereditary is a common reason.
Certain medical conditions like an imbalance of the thyroid hormone, a deficiency of vitamin B12 and anemia can also cause the hair to become white. Problems in the pituitary gland can also lead to premature graying.
Stress is also considered a culprit when it comes to premature graying. Stress, overburdening oneself and anxiety can also cause early aging. However, this factor is still debatable.
Smoking is another reason why hair becomes gray. According to studies, people who smoke tend to grow gray hair earlier than non smokers. So quit the stub if you want to avoid gray hair.
Some other medical conditions for premature graying are reduced bone mineral density and a few skin conditions like vitiligo, albinism, etc.

Helpful Remedies

Though it is natural to have a few strands of gray hair, it can be annoying if half the hair on your scalp turns gray. In order to avoid premature graying of hair, try these effective natural remedies and say goodbye to gray hair.
Your diet must include foods that are rich in minerals like iron, sodium, copper and vitamin B. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is also beneficial as they are rich in antioxidants that help in fighting the free radicals that cause premature graying.
Getting a hair massage with coconut oil will keep your hair long, black and strong. You can also boil curry leaves in coconut oil and apply this oil to your hair.
Applying oil and dried gooseberry powder mixture is an effective treatment for gray hair.
Henna is a natural hair dye as it helps in covering gray hair and restores the hair color by turning the gray color into dark brown.
Premature graying is not uncommon, one of the reasons being the ever-growing and popular 'junk food culture'.
Having white hair can be a degrading factor as youngsters tend to lose their self-confidence as they experience a feeling that they appear older than their age.
In order to avoid getting white hair at a young age, eat a well-balanced meal, keep your body well hydrated by increasing your fluid intake, and follow a proper exercise regimen. Take necessary haircare steps to maintain the health of your hair. Take care!
Disclaimer: The story published herein, is meant for educational purposes only and does not intend to supplant the advice of a dermatologist.