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What Makes Hair Healthy?

Paisley Hansen
Hair is important. Whether you like to keep your hair short or let it grow out to its maximum length, the way you feel about your hair has a lot to do with the way it looks and feels to you. Are there steps you can do to keep your hair healthier longer? Get a few tips and tricks to aid in keeping your hair in tip-top shape for years to come.

The Stuff From Which Hair Is Made

When born, a baby’s body has millions of hair follicles. What makes hair? At the base of the follicle, protein cells take root. These cells each grow a single strand which will eventually make its way through the follicle and surface of the skin. As it passes through, the hair goes through an oil coating which gives it a protective barrier.

The Stuff From Which Hair is Made

 By the time the hair breaks the surface of the skin, it dies. This is the reason why it does not hurt to get a haircut, but if someone pulls your hair, it hurts. This same cycle occurs all over the body. Over time, the follicles stop producing the protein that grows the hair. This is a natural part of the aging process, as follicles die out.

The Purpose of Hair

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of hair is? Sure, it covers your head, but what else do you need it for? Hair serves as a protective layer against the elements. It also helps regulate body temperature by keeping it warmer in the colder months and helping it excrete sweat in the summertime or during vigorous activities.

The Purpose of Hair

In the early humans, it is believed hair was also used as a way to ward off enemies and win the affections of another for mating purposes. Body hair was also used as a defense mechanism, an early warning system of sorts. If the senses detected danger, hair would stand up, creating a tingly feeling coursing over the surface of the skin.

Hair Growth and Diet

Healthy hair is well-groomed and managed through diet. Vitamin and nutrients are vital to ensuring the roots of the follicle remain firmly intact. If a follicle becomes loose, it will release its tight grip on the hair. The result is hair loss, sometimes on a massive scale.

Hair Growth and Diet

Certain kinds of infections and irregular body systems can cause hair loss, like chemotherapy in cancer patients and an irregular thyroid. Autoimmune diseases can also impact follicles and hair growth, causing the protein to dissipate and leading to a lack of growth. Hair, like your body, is strengthened by a diet filled with vegetables and vitamins.

Shampoos and Topical Products that Help Maintain Hair

People use shampoo as part of grooming and for cosmetic purposes. The same oil that coats the hair to protect it can also weigh it down and cause it to become greasy if not washed with some regularity. Conditioners are used to add moisture back to the hair after the shampoo strips it.

Shampoos and Topical Products that Help Maintain Hair

Most professionals will suggest that you not wash your hair daily as it can lead to increased oil production at the scalp, causing the hair to get greasier faster. Take a look at Juvetress on Instagram for some information about different ways you can keep your hair healthy and in camera-ready shape.
Maintaining a proper and balanced diet can help your overall body health. Your hair can serve as something that makes you proud or something you would rather not have to worry about. Find products and services to keep your hair growing and healthy throughout your life.