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Uses of Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil usage for skin; hair along with its methods.
Loveleena Rajeev
A fat soluble compound, vitamin E can be found occurring naturally in some foods, and also as a dietary supplement. It is mostly extracted or manufactured directly from other oils; soya, corn, canola, etc., through a distillation process.
Although the oil is thick and heavily textured, it can be easily absorbed in the skin and hair, making it excellent for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.

Uses of Vitamin E Oil

For Skin

Vitamin E oil contains powerful antioxidants that impact cellular functions significantly. It inhibits the growth of free radicals and neutralizes the negative impact of the ones present in the skin.
An internal intake regulates other vitamins needed to maintain a healthy skin. By applying directly or using products that contain this oil as a main ingredient helps control aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. It smooths wrinkled skin due to its skin smoothing properties.
Vitamin E oil also helps to provide a natural and safe treatment against sunburns. The oil not only penetrates the skin easily, but provides necessary protection to the epidermis. Although application of the oil is desirable, it tends to get sticky if someone has to move outdoors, hence, it's best to use sunscreen lotions that make use of vitamin E oil.
Apply lotion half an hour before exposure to sun, and every four hours too.
Vitamin E oil is also used for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. The oil is used in creams specifically formulated for topical application, and helps in smoothing wrinkled skin that is a common symptom in most skin disorders.
It is a known fact that vitamin E oil reduces scars and blemishes. Although most scars will not disappear all together, it is possible to lighten them, and bring about even skin tone. Its use for preventing surgical and pregnancy-related scars like the appearance of stretch marks is very disputed, with some vouching for as well as against it.
If you are keen to know how to use vitamin E to reduce scars, the method is very simple. Get a few vitamin E capsules, puncture it with a sterile pin, and squeeze it out onto a cotton swab.
Dab the oil all over the cleaned blemish or scar (this oil is not antiseptic in nature) and leave it on. Do not massage the oil and allow it to penetrate on its own. One needs to consistently apply vitamin E oil for months on, before scars begin to clear.

For Hair

Several hair products like conditioners and shampoos are available in the market which contain vitamin E oil as one of the ingredients. Its use in hair care products is attributed to its ability to promote healthy hair and scalp.
It repairs damaged hair and hair with split ends if used regularly. Dry and dull hair can be treated with a conditioning blend containing vitamin E oil to revive lost shine and luster. When the blend is applied, the oil deeply conditions dull hair and renders it healthier than before.

How to Use Vitamin E Oil

For Skin

Although, many anti-wrinkle skin care products are available that use vitamin E oil, one can always use this oil directly, alone, or with a carrier. Make sure you pick a good brand of oil, as many producers add elements such as glyceride to increase the volume of the oil, thereby, reducing its effectiveness.
Oil may come in a bottle or mostly in capsule form. Clean the skin very well, dab it dry, and apply oil very lightly in circular motion. Two to three applications a week will be more than sufficient to get the result. Leave the oil overnight, and rinse it off with warm water.

For Hair

One can make a fortifying shampoo and a conditioner containing vitamin E oil to nourish hair. A mild shampoo for daily use can be made by adding 1 ounce of the oil to 12 ounces of liquid castile soap. Few drops of any essential oil can be added to get that hint of favorite scent.
A conditioning blend can be made by combining jojoba oil, hemp oil, coconut oil, and olive oil. Mix equal quantities of all of these oils to make up to 12 ounces, then add 2 ounces of the oil and blend well. Treat hair with this blend by applying it from hair roots to the tips. Massage gently for some time, leave it overnight and shampoo the next morning.
Before making use of the oil on skin, dab a bit of it on the inner side of your arm, wait for a couple of hours to check for any allergic reaction. If you observe any adverse reaction, do not use this oil, or else use it without any hesitation. The shelf life of vitamin E oil is approximately 2 - 3 years, so don't hold on to it for too long.