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The Secrets to the Smoothest Skin

Mia Morales
Whether male or female, flawless skin is the desire of any person. If you are planning on going to a party, one needs to know that they will have to hide the dark circles with makeup in the morning. Sometimes it seems unfair that just as you are thinking of a great dress to wear on that date, there is a zit to embarrass you.
The CTM (cleanser-toner-moisturizer) technique is all too common. Many are the times we try everything in the market, every new sunscreen lotion and moisturizer. More often than not, these products end up causing more harm than good.
There is a good news, though. There are simple things you can do to make your skin beautiful. Here are inexpensive procedures that will leave your skin glowing every day.

Drink Plenty of Water

The advice to drink a lot of water is one we have been told since childhood. But, on some occasions, we choose not to drink eight glasses a day. Isn’t three glasses of water “a lot of water” during the cold season? The answer is no!
If you want beautiful skin, you must heed advice from your Beverly Hills MD. If this is too much for you, boil some water, put it in a jar, chose a couple of fruits- lemon and orange have great flavor- and close the jar.
You will have a concentrated taste of the fruits you have chosen. You can now put a portion of the flavored water in a glass of water and sip it slowly.
You may want to practice by drinking at least one liter of water early in the morning about 30 minutes before breakfast. Although this means you will have to go to the bathroom a lot in the first few days, it will be good for you. The water will help flush out any toxins in your body.


The levels of cortisol hormones will fall as you sleep. Cortisol is a stress hormone that could impact your skin badly. When you sleep, your body will reduce the amount of collagen it produces. This, in turn, reduces the fine lines.
When you sleep, your skin is strengthened, and therefore you will have fewer wrinkles and skin that is smoother than you think. Sleep will give you a glow that you are craving. However, ensure that you do not sleep for more than 12 hours.

Work Out

Working out does not mean you have to spend the entire day at the gym. In fact, you do not need to join a gym at all. Sweating helps your skin release some of the toxins it may be holding in. Therefore take a long walk, go jogging or hiking, and always prefer the stairs to the elevator.
Exfoliate your skin regularly and apply olive oil to moisturize. Sweating is a great way to remove toxins from the skin and ensure that the pores will not have pimples developing in them.

Wear the Right Outfits

Have you noticed that some outfits work better than others? Well, you have noticed something that most people overlook. Sometimes you look like you have the skin of a goddess, and other times it is plain and ghostly. It may have nothing to do with your skincare regimen.
In some cases, the issue lies entirely in the outfit and accessories you decide to wear. So when looking for bangles, look for designs and colors that suit your undertones. Some people look better with gold than silver ornaments. When you know what works for you, you will look classy, elegant, and like you have the smoothest skin.
Skip those fries and opt for a simple banana, avocado, and mango pudding. Forget that soda or energy drink, and blend some juice at home, put it in a bottle and take it to work with you. It pays to be healthy, and your skin will show you by glowing all day, every day.