Too much exposure to the sun can cause one to break out in sunspots. Following are some ways in which you can treat these spots.
You open your bedroom window and the sun shines at you in all its glory. The perfect summer day urges you to go take a stroll outside. So you do just that. And when you come back from all the frolicking in the sun, what do you see?
A nasty tan, maybe a sun burn and in some cases sunspots on face. Now what? Let the sunspots make a permanent residence on your face, will you? I think not. I think you'll want to get rid of them. But how do you do that? Simple. Just read the following article for some tips on removing these spots.
What are Sunspots?
Sunspots are caused by the constant overexposure to the sun's harmful UV (Ultraviolet) and UVB (Ultraviolet B) rays. These are also referred to as liver spots or age spots (though age spots appear predominantly because of aging) because they resemble them.
Sunspots come about as brownish patches on the skin and are usually flat in nature, unlike moles which are raised. They almost resemble freckles, but they aren't as small or light. Alternately they can also come about in the form of white sunspots. Though they do not cause any pain, their main drawback is that they appear quite jarring to the eyes.
In some cases they might be an indication of skin cancer and therefore one needs to prevent their outbreak. These spots appear on those parts of the body that have a high chance of exposure to the sun's rays. The most common occurrence therefore is on the face.
Sunspots usually bring with it an array of other skin problems like wrinkles, dry, flaky, patchy and rough skin. A few measures for sun spot removal are as follows.
Avoid the Sun
Avoiding the sun and its harmful rays is one of the simplest as well as the easiest ways to prevent the setting of sunspots. That's because it eliminates the cause itself. I do not say you sit inside the house and never leave, but you can make sure that you take the necessary precautions when you do have to. These include...
Wearing a good quality sunscreen (SPF 40 or more) at least 30 minutes before you go outdoors.
Reapply the sunscreen if you sweat a lot or are exposed to water.
Cover yourself properly, this includes your hair as well.
Avoid going out during 11 am to 4 pm when the rays are the harshest.
If you feel like your skin has burned or it feels raw, apply the similar methods used in fading age spots.
It is important to use sunscreen because it will work on the levels of a symbiotic process with the other forms of treatment that you administer for these sunspots.
Chemical Peels
These are used to smoothen out and firm the skin. In the process it also fades the spots (if very dark) or removes them completely (if light).
Different peels may be used for these like the glycolic acid peel which is a low intensity peel that is not administered very deep into the skin and therefore the recovery time is not very high. The more intense procedures are administered deeper into the skin and require anesthesia.
Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL)
This uses intense broadband light to remove the sunspots. The light is usually administered on the deeper layers of the skin and does not harm the facial tissue or skin. Therefore there is very little time required for recovery. The procedure takes about 45 minutes to complete and is not at all painful.
Laser Resurfacing
This treatment makes use of a high energy beam of light to get rid of the sunspots. Along with these spots, it also works wonders on wrinkles, facial hair and age spots. The procedure takes about 60 - 90 minutes for completion.
For this, a local anesthesia needs to be administered. The laser removes those patches of the skin that are affected by burning off the skin. Usually, one session is sufficient to get good results.
Skin Creams
Skin creams which contain ingredients like Retinol, Kojic acid, Hydroquinone, Azelaic acid, and Tretinoin can be used on the skin. These ingredients especially work on fading the spots, if not remove them completely.
Administering botox or collagen shots into the skin will stop the process of wrinkle formation and therefore will prevent sunspots from forming as well.
The microdermabrasion procedure will exfoliate the outer layer of the skin with the use of fine crystals and allow the body to shed old skin, thus promoting the growth of new skin. This will allow the sunspots to be eliminated with the former layer and a new, healthier layer to take its place, sans the sunspots.
These are some of the techniques for removing sunspots. Other than using these techniques to remove sunspots on the face, one can also use several home remedies that use natural ingredients for the same purpose.
Make sure that you consult a doctor before administering them yourself. But the best way really is to just prevent the onset of these. Take care of your skin and treat it well.