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Essential Makeup Tips for Summer

Ratnashri Dutta
Is summer making your makeup vanish in hardly any time after you put it up? Do you constantly need touch ups? With the help of these useful tips mentioned below, you can now easily fight all these problems.
Imagine a hot summer day; you have to go out with your boyfriend. It took you hours to apply your makeup. But then as soon as you step out of your house, in the scorching summer heat, your carefully applied eyeliner starts running, the foundation on your face gets washed away by your sweat, and you are now in a terrible mess.
Summer demands for a completely different makeup. From the products you use, to the way you apply them―everything changes with a change in season. Just like you wear lighter clothes during summer, you wear lighter makeup too. Let's understand more on this.

Try These Tips


• Before going out in the sun, use ample amount of sunblock or light moisturizer, which will protect your skin from the rays of the sun.
• Do not use your foundation to cover up your facial marks during summer, but instead use translucent tinted powder.
• When it comes to blush, use a light color, such as soft pink or maybe bright roses. Instead of just focusing on your cheeks, place the brush on your temple and run it towards your hairline―this will give you a more youthful look.


• Stay away from dark shades of lip colors. Instead, use a very light shade of lipstick. Give your lips a natural look.
• Do not use lip liners.


• Your eye makeup should be extremely simplistic during summers. You can use neutral or soft shimmery eye shadows. Golden green or mango green colors will go with black or brown mascara.
• You can also curl your lashes to make them look longer and make your eyes look wider. Use a fine line of eyeliner. You can use slate gray, warm chocolate, or navy shades of eyeliners.
• Be sure that the mascara that you are using is waterproof. After sometime in the sun, you don't want people to tell you, you have a black eye.

Try Bronze This Summer

A bronze look gives your skin a baked appearance, brightens up your eyes, and makes your teeth appear whiter. So, before leaving your house, just brush on some bronze powder on your face, mainly the forehead, nose, chin, and the cheekbones.
A touch of golden or bronze shimmer under your brows or across your cheekbones can do wonders. You also dab some bronze on your shoulders and flaunt it by wearing your favorite sleeveless dress or top.
Whatever you choose to do, remember, the makeup has to be light. The amount you apply, the color you choose―it all has to be light.