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Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipes

Prepare chemical-free and natural sugar scrubs at home, with a few simple ingredients found in your pantry. Read the story for easy-to-follow recipes, and get glowing skin in no time.
Sheetal Mandora
Technically, brown sugar is much softer, and gentle on the skin rather than regular white sugar. Brown sugar helps in making the skin smooth, much efficiently than salt. However, you can use any kind of sugar to make the scrubs, as both help achieve the goal.

Scrub for Face

  • Granulated sugar, ¼ cup
  • Yogurt or sour cream, 2 tablespoons
  • Tomato, fresh, chopped, 1―2

Take a small plastic bowl, and pour the granulated sugar and enough chopped tomatoes to make the sugar moist. Now add the yogurt or sour cream in it. Mix all the ingredients properly till you get a paste (make sure it's not too runny). Wash your face, but don't dry it.
Apply the scrub with your fingertips to cover the entire face. Gently massage the scrub into the skin in circular motion. Let the scrub stay on your face for about 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, and pat your skin dry with a clean cotton towel.

Scrub for Hands

  • Organic brown sugar, 1 cup
  • White granulated sugar, 1 cup
  • Almond oil, ¾ cup
  • Cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, powdered, 2 teaspoons
  • Cardamom essential oil, 40 drops

Take a medium-sized bowl to combine all the ingredients in it, except for the cardamom oil. With a whisk, combine the ingredients properly to break up the sugar lumps. Now slowly add the cardamom essential oil in the bowl. Keep stirring the ingredients and once your scrub is ready, spoon it into an air-tight container.
While using the scrub, massage the scrub to slightly damp hands in circular motion. Rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry your hands with a soft cotton towel.

Scrub with Olive Oil

  • Sugar, 1 cup
  • Extra virgin olive oil, ½ cup
  • Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
  • Few drops of lavender oil

Sugar scrub and olive oil works best during the harsh winds in winter. To pamper your skin and keep it looking glossy with a bit of shine, mix the sugar, lemon juice, and olive oil first in a bowl. Now add few drops of lavender essential oil to give the fragrance.
To use the scrub, place some scrub on a washcloth, dampen it, and scrub it over your body in circular motion. Make sure you don't scrub too hard. Rinse the scrub properly, and pat yourself dry with a clean cotton towel.

Scrub with Coconut Oil

  • Organic brown sugar, ½ cup
  • Dead Sea salt, ½ cup
  • Coconut oil, ¼ cup
  • Shea butter, 1 tablespoon
  • Macadamia nut honey, 1 tablespoon
  • Vitamin E, 1 teaspoon

To prepare the scrub, take a bowl, mix all the ingredients properly, and spoon it into an air-tight container. For using the scrub, wet the area where you want to apply the scrub in a circular motion. Rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry your skin with a soft cotton towel.
While using any of these scrubs, be very careful when you are in the shower. The oils present in the scrubs can make the surface of the tub a bit slippery. So please be extra, extra careful.