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Skin Discoloration on Neck

Puja Lalwani
Are you bothered by the skin discoloration on your neck? You will be happy to know that if it is a mild condition, it can easily be treated by following some home remedies. Take a look at some mentioned here.
Skin discoloration may appear with dry skin. If you are fair skinned, this condition may be very prominent. You may consult a dermatologist to treat the problem if you think it is severe. On the other hand, you may also use some home remedies for this condition and see if they help.
However, keep in mind that these remedies may take a while to show results, albeit permanent ones. Before we take a look at the remedies, let's understand the causes of this kind of skin discoloration.


  • Usually, excess exposure to the sun leads to pigmentation, and thereby brown discoloration on neck. This happens when there is an overproduction of a pigment called melanin in the body. When it reacts with sunlight it results in discoloration of skin on the neck.
  • An overdose of iron in the body also causes this condition, which may begin to show its first appearances on the neck.
  • Obesity is another cause of this problem. When there is excess fat, the skin tends to fold at the neck and other body parts, and that is where the discoloration begins to develop.
  • Sometimes, upon the consumption of certain types of medicines, there may be a change in the hormonal balance in the body. This manifests itself in the form of discoloration on the neck and other body parts that are regularly exposed to the sun. Such medication includes contraceptive pills and hormone-replacement pills.
  • Aging is another reason that contributes to the development of dark patches on different parts of the body, due to a compromised immune system.


Before you try out any of these home remedies, clean your neck with a mild soap and wipe dry. Then, follow any of the remedies that you find suitable, enlisted below.
  • Lemon is known to be a great natural bleach, which helps in reducing skin discoloration. Apply some lemon juice on the affected parts of your neck and allow it to remain for about 30 minutes. Then rinse clean with water. Follow this remedy diligently on a daily basis and see the difference.
  • Olive oil is another great natural remedy for skin discoloration. Apply some daily, and gently scrub the skin after this procedure. Over time, you will see that the discolored patches are fading away.
  • For a natural scrub, try a mix of baking soda and water. The mix should be paste-like. As baking soda works as a natural skin exfoliant, it will slowly remove the discolored patches and give you even looking skin.
  • Make a paste of honey and almonds, by blending together 1/2 cup honey with 1/4 cup almonds in a food processor. Apply this mixture on your neck in a circular motion and allow it to rest for 2 hours. Then wash it off. Do this on a daily basis to see results.
Natural skin care remedies are the best ways to treat any problems of the skin. The harshness of medication and its side effects can easily be avoided when you resort to these remedies.
Moreover, in many cases, prescribed medicines have a temporary effect, while natural remedies tend to cure the problem permanently. If followed regularly, these home remedies will work for you, and you too will be able to eliminate this problem completely.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert. Seeking medical advice is the best way to diagnose and treat any health condition.