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Saw Palmetto for Acne

Azmin Taraporewala
Have you heard of saw palmetto? If you haven't and are keen to know what it is, and what it proposes to do for you, you must read this write up. For a synoptic view -- well -- those who have consumed the herb have been found to swear on its acclaimed miraculous powers to treat acne. Temptation enough for you to go ahead with your reading endeavor?
Saw palmetto is an extract from the fruit of serenoa repens, that grows in the Southern United States. This is a small palm plant. The plant extract is used in traditional and alternative treatment; however, one of the main reasons for which saw palmetto is used is for benign prostate enlargement.
The saw palmetto has fronds that are set in concert, being about a meter in measure, having prickly edges that aid the plant in deriving the name. The genus Sabal bears resemblance to the leaves of saw palmetto. Saw palmetto is combined with nettle extracts to treat Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


Saw palmetto is also used to treat the Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in women. Women who have this PCOS are at constant risk of developing acne, especially around the jaw line. Higher levels of PCOS may also cause women to have an extraordinary amount of testosterone levels and are also prone to develop facial hair.
Excessive testosterone means excessive DHT that cause acne in women. Saw palmetto is also widely used to treat and cure urinary tract infections and enlarged prostate in men.

Benefits for Acne

Women who have used saw palmetto have found great results and have witnessed great change in their acne eruptions. However, for women who have higher testosterone levels can see changes on their acne sprouts. For all those who have not had acne eruptions due to testosterone levels being higher, the saw palmetto supplements will not work as expected.
Having oily skin can also be a reason why women may have acne troubles. Acne that may erupt as blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and pustules could be a very disturbing sight for women. Clogged pores can cause the oil to deposit and form debris, causing pimples to erupt.Thus, acne becomes an ongoing problem in women.
When we think of doing something about controlling acne and having the situation controlled, we often think of using expensive creams, lotions, face scrubs, and exfoliators to get the kind of skin we crave for. As mentioned earlier, excessive testosterone production in the body is the primary cause for acne eruptions.
Therefore, to control the effects of the same, saw palmetto coupled with zinc is used. Saw palmetto is a herb, a form of fan palm that grows berries. The oil from berries is extracted as it is believed to have therapeutic healing powers that help heal acne. This herb regulates the productions and levels of hormones along with the suppression of DHT hormones.
Treating acne with expensive treatments and having to spend on expensive skin-correction products that only have promises to share, but no benefits to provide are of no use. The saw palmetto supplements are available in capsule/tablet form. It is also available in liquid form, so that all those who find it difficult to consume capsules can derive the benefits and retain its use through mixing it in tea.
In order to treat acne, women need to consume, 150-160 milligrams of standardized extract, twice every day, in terms of its prescribed dosage. However, this dosage is subject to vary if the medical practitioner you consult asks you to consume medication according to his prescriptive advice.
If you are keen to try this natural treatment, you may go ahead; however, there has not been much research that proves the credibility of the herb. Discussing saw palmetto with your practitioner is termed mandatory.
Saw palmetto may be taken by women who have an increased level of testosterone production in their system. However, the supplement must be avoided by women who have conceived. Saw palmetto is generically deemed safe for consumption; however, bear in mind that pullulated research has not been conducted in this regard. As this is one natural supplement, the plausibility of side effects, indeed, exists.
A slight simmering ache in the abdominal region, or feeling lightheaded are some effects that hamper your health. Hormonal changes are also marked when administrating saw palmetto; thus, it is advised that an expert's recommendation be adhered to a T. You ought to err on the side of caution, especially if you are on oral contraceptive medication.