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Sandalwood Paste and Rose Water

Priya Johnson
Sandalwood paste and rose water are a superb combination to maintain healthy, glowing skin. When the qualities of these two natural products come together they treat pimples, acne scars and leave the skin germ-free! Read on to know more.
A glowing, scar-free face is something everybody desires to have. In fact, people in the film industry will go to any extent to get their skin to be blemish-free.
The other day the papers were flooded with information about a former 'Miss Argentina', who died due to complication after a cosmetic surgery. Such news articles sometimes scare the day lights out of a person! It also makes you want to stick to natural beauty remedies to attain healthy, soft, glowing skin.
This content dwells on two such natural skin care remedies: sandalwood paste and rose water.

Is Sandalwood Powder Good for Skin?

You've probably heard that you could use sandalwood powder for clear skin. Well, it's true! Sandalwood is a popular skin care natural remedy used in India. The wood from the sandalwood tree is powdered and used to alleviate several skin conditions.
The antimicrobial properties of sandalwood, is what gives it its healing power. Application of sandalwood paste for face, leaves the face glowing, flawless and clear.
Besides protecting the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, this powder also leaves the skin clean, germ-free and moisturized. Moreover, it has also been used to calm the nervous system, thereby alleviating stress and anxiety.

Rosewater Benefits

Rose water is a well-known skin tonic, made from rose petals and has been used as a toner and facial cleanser.
It comprises hundreds of components which impart the ability to stimulate blood circulation in blood vessels underlying the skin, thereby reducing scars, sunburns, thread veins, aging skin and other skin conditions.
Since it tones and rejuvenates the skin, it is used to take off make-up in the evenings. Moreover, diluting some amounts of rose water in bath water and taking bath with it helps get rid of allergic rash and cutaneous inflammations.

For the Skin

Best methods of skin care is by applying a paste of sandalwood powder and rose water. We already saw how sandalwood and rose water individually are beneficial to our skin, so now imagine what these two can do together! Sandalwood paste and rose water benefits are plenty. Right from treating acne to treating rashes, etc. the combination is quite beneficial.

How Do You Make Sandalwood Paste with Rose Water?

All you need to do, to prepare this paste, is to take 100 g of sandalwood powder and 120 ml rose water. Mix the two together to form a nice paste and apply it over your face and neck to form a thin layer.
Once the paste has dried, just dab some water onto the face and massage in circular motion. Rinse with cool water and gently pat with a clean towel. Your skin will feel toned and rejuvenated, free of impurities. This mask is a wonderful method of maintaining healthy skin.

For Acne Scars

To treat acne scars you need to prepare a paste of sandalwood powder, rose water and glycerin. Take one tablespoon of sandalwood powder, add a few drops of rosewater and little glycerin. Mix well, until a thick paste is formed.
Apply this paste on the areas of the face and neck, affected by acne scars. Wash this off after half an hour with lukewarm water. If you wish, you could also add a few drops of essential oils to enhance the healing process.

For Pimples

In order to reduce pimples or acne naturally, make a paste of sandalwood, turmeric and rosewater. Take one teaspoon of sandalwood powder, one teaspoon of turmeric and one teaspoon of rosewater. Mix and form a paste. Apply this paste on the pimples and wash if off with cool water, after 15 minutes. This application will help prevent pimple breakouts.
If you are wondering where and how to buy sandalwood powder and rose water, just step into a herbal store. If you don't have the time to go shopping, just look for it online. Application of sandalwood paste and rose water will definitely benefit your skin.