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Sandalwood Paste for Pimples

Bidisha Mukherjee
Sandalwood paste is one of the best home remedies for pimples. This post provides some helpful tips, and advice on how to get rid of them.
The use of sandalwood paste for skin problems is a well-known fact. This is because it has several benefits. It has antibacterial properties which can make the skin free from all types of germs. Thus it protects the skin from infections, and soothes up wounds, sores, boils and pimples on the surface of the skin. Sandalwood acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and reduces the swelling of the skin surrounding the pimples. Due to its astringent properties, its application on the face helps in tightening of the facial skin. It also helps to get rid of the spots left behind by the pimples.

Using Sandalwood to Treat Pimples

With Turmeric Powder

» Method #1:
Mix one teaspoon of sandalwood powder with half teaspoon of turmeric powder.
Add about one tablespoon of honey into it to make a thick paste.
Apply this mixture as a face mask and wait for 20 minutes.
Rinse off the mask with cold water. It will not only treat the acne, but you will also get a fresh supple skin.
» Method #2:
Combine equal quantities of sandalwood and turmeric powder with milk.
Mix it well to form a thick paste.
You can also add a small piece of camphor to it.
Apply it over the pimples, and wait till it dries up thoroughly. You can even keep it overnight.
Then wash it off.
» Method #3:
Mix equal quantities of sandalwood and turmeric with lime juice, and apply on the affected area.
Keep it untouched for about half an hour, and then wash it off.
This is good for acne as well as other kind of skin rashes. However, if you have a sensitive facial skin then you should not use this.
With Rose Water
In a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, add sufficient rose water to make a thin paste.
Stir it well to ensure that no lumps of sandalwood is left behind.
Dampen your face with water.
Apply the paste all over the face in such a way, that it forms a thin, uniform layer.
Wash it off properly after 20 minutes.
Do not apply it on the areas surrounding the eyes.
This is the best remedy for treating pimples on oily or combination skin. It also removes the excess of oil from the face and facilitates acne
With Black Gram Powder
Prepare a mixture using sandalwood powder, black gram powder and some rosewater.
You can also add milk or honey instead of rose water.
Apply the paste and leave it overnight to get the best results.
Next morning, wash it off with water.

You can notice even the large pores of the skin has gone down.
This is one of the most effective remedies for pimples. It can reduce the acne, as well as heal the scars caused due to acne.
Other good remedy to get rid of acne is using the juice of mint, neem, or basil leaves. You can apply any of these juices directly on the pimples, or boil the leaves in water, and apply the extracts on them.