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Rosemary Oil for Hair

Dhanya Joy
The use of rosemary oil for hair can benefit your hair in many ways. You can also combine it with other oils for better results. The following write-up provides information on this oil.
Native to the Mediterranean region, Rosmarinus officinalis is an aromatic evergreen herb that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is well-known for its therapeutic benefits and has been in use for several years now. Countries involved in large-scale production of this herb include Morocco, France, and Spain.
Rosemary oil is obtained through the process of steam distillation. Steam is passed through the leaves and the flowering tops in order to extract or isolate the aromatic essential oil. This oil is believed to be anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory in nature.
It also has antioxidant properties. Mainly used as an aromatherapy oil, this essential oil is known to be extremely beneficial for the hair and skin.
Rosmarinus officinalis CT1 camphor, Rosmarinus officinalis CT2 cineole, and Rosmarinus officinalis CT3 verbenone are some of the chemotypes that are believed to be quite effective in treating conditions associated with skin and hair. Massaging this oil on the scalp and hair can rid you of problems such as hair fall, dandruff, and thinning hair. Here's some more information on the benefits of this wondrous oil.


The therapeutic properties of this oil are attributed to the presence of phytochemicals such as:
Bornyl acetate

Rosemary Oil and Hair Growth

This oil is regarded as an effective hair tonic. Massaging this oil on the scalp helps stimulate blood circulation. The improved blood flow increases the supply of the nutrients to the scalp, thereby nourishing the hair follicles. The improved blood flow not only imparts shine but also strengthens the hair.
Though scientific evidence is not available on the effectiveness of this oil in treating alopecia or hair loss, it is believed that massaging the scalp with this oil may lower the risk of premature baldness.
Since this oil has a watery consistency, it doesn't clog the pores in the scalp. Due to its properties, it is used in herbal shampoos as well as hair conditioners. Combining it with other essential oils and a base oil can enhance its effects. Here are a few ways in which this oil can be used.

Ways of Using Rosemary Oil

  • Mix 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil, 2 oz. sweet almond oil, ½ oz. avocado oil and ½ teaspoon lecithin in a bowl.
  • Add about 15 to 20 drops of rosemary essential oil to the mixture.
  • Blend all these oils well and pour the mixture into a glass bottle or jar. Let it stay for about an hour or so.
  • Prior to using the oil on your hair, boil 2 glasses of water and place the bottle of oil into it to warm it up.
  • Before shampooing, use the warm oil to massage your scalp and hair for about ten minutes. Use this oil twice a week.
  • Prepare a hair oil by mixing 5 drops of rosemary essential oil, 2 sprigs of dried rosemary and ¼ cup warm olive oil.
  • Mix all these ingredients thoroughly in a glass bowl. Strain and pour it into a dark tinted glass jar.
  • To use, apply the oil from the scalp to the tip of your hair and wrap a hot towel on your head.
  • Keep it on for 1/2an hour and then wash it off.
  • Oil extracted from rosemary and tea tree are both effective when it comes to treating scalp problems. Mix both these oils and massage on your scalp. It will help you get rid of oily scalp as well as dandruff.
  • You can also add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil to an ounce of jojoba oil. Before you shampoo your hair, massage on the scalp with this oil in circular motions for about 10 minutes.
  • You can also add a few drops of this aromatic oil to hair care products such as shampoos and conditioners.
The use of rosemary oil is extremely beneficial in case of the problem of thinning hair, frizzy hair or an oily scalp. It also helps cleanse the scalp of all the impurities and dirt and stimulates hair growth. A hot oil treatment will quickly rid you of dandruff and a dry, itchy scalp.
Though the therapeutic properties of this oil are numerous, pregnant women and people who suffer from epilepsy must refrain from using this oil. Also, make sure that you dilute this oil in a carrier base before applying it on your scalp or your skin.
In case of young children, adverse effects are associated with ingestion of this oil. Even a dose of 5 ml can prove fatal. If you have a sensitive skin, it would be best to consult a herbal practitioner before following any of the aforementioned remedies.