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Rosehip Oil for Acne

Pragya T
Using rosehip oil for acne is a good option, but using it on pimples can cause irritation, and even increase the severity of the condition. This story talks about how rosehip oil works, and the proper treatment method that one should use to get best results.
Rosehip oil is produced by extracting the seeds of the rose bush, usually musk rose, or sweet briar. It is obtained by a cold pressed extraction technique. Usage of rosehip oil for acne is gaining popularity. However, this oil is effective in treating only acne scars, but not acne itself. Its application on pimples, can even multiply the breakouts.

Why Rosehip Oil for Scars?

Rosehip oil contains retinol or vitamin A, which is good for skin and used for reducing any type of scar. It also contains omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids. It contains beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant and a source of pro-vitamin A.
This is the stuff found in carrots too, and carrots are also good for skin care. It contains natural vitamin C and lycopene which is a very powerful antioxidant.
This oil contains many antioxidants, which help to fight the free radical damage, and push toxins out of the skin. As it contain lipoic acid, it can even help get rid of the harmful bacteria. However, the same thing can irritate the skin. So if you have sensitive skin, or pimple prone skin, then go for products that are free from lipoic acid.

Scar Treatment

You can use rosehip oil to get rid of any type of scar, but using it to treat pimples is not a good idea. The oil has moisturizing properties, which you can use to get rid of stretch marks. It is also good for hyper-pigmented skin and it helps to restore the natural glow of the skin. It works well to prevent pre-mature aging and to repair skin damage done by the sun.
Rosehip in general is good for getting rid of scars, whether pimple marks, burn marks, stretch marks, hyper-pigmentation, etc. However, when it is used in high concentration it can aggravate acne. To use it as a natural cure, it is best if you mix it with other oils.
Mix rosehip oil, jojoba oil, and lavender oil in a 10:10:3 proportion. Jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizer, and lavender oil has its own benefits in reducing scar appearance. This treatment won't work overnight, so you will have to follow it for few months till you see the effects.
Apart from using rosehip oil for facial care, you can also use other homemade face packs to reduce the scar appearance and speed up the process. Make a sandalwood powder pack with rosewater, apply it on the face, and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Now, wash your face with cool water. Repeat this remedy twice a week.

Treating Acne First

If you are still suffering from acne breakouts like pimples and blackheads, then consider using other essential oils. Two of the best options are jojoba oil and tea tree oil. Jojoba oil helps to dissolve the clogged sebum and tea tree oil kills the bacteria. Mix both oils in 10:2 proportion respectively, and apply it on the breakouts.
Make sure you use the right variety to prevent irritation, or aggravate the condition. You can create your own mixed oils to increase its effectiveness.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.