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Benefits of Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil benefits can be attributed to the antioxidants in it. Keep reading to learn how to use this oil and its benefits.
Pragya T
Every aromatherapy essential oil has its own unique set of properties. These oils are available at many health stores, and can also be ordered online. Natural and organically grown essential oils are the best solutions for skin care and treating skin disorders.
One such beneficial oil is the rosehip oil, which is extracted from the seeds of rose-bush, which can be either rosa moschata commonly known as musk rose or from rosa rubiginosa which is commonly known as sweet briar or eglantine rose.
It is obtained by the cold pressed extraction method, like olive oil. Now, let us look at the important nutrients present in rosehip oil, and the different uses and benefits of it.

Rosehip Oil Contents

Here is a list of the nutrients in the essential oil of rosehip.
  • Retinol or vitamin A
  • Linoleic acid or Omega 6 oil
  • Oleic acid or Omega 9 fatty acid
  • Lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant
  • Beta-carotene which is a source of pro-vitamin A, another powerful antioxidant
  • Excellent source of natural Vitamin C

Benefits of Rosehip Oil

So, what is so great about the rosehip seed oil? Unlike other oils, rosehip oil can be used directly on the skin, does not need to be diluted with any carrier oil and gets easily absorbed by the skin without giving the greasy slippery effect! Another oil which readily gets absorbed by the skin, without having any greasy effect is jojoba oil.
Here are the various rosehip seed oil benefits.
  • It helps to get rid of scars.
  • Rosehip oil due to its moisturizing property helps to prevent and reduce stretch marks.
  • It is very beneficial for psoriasis scars.
  • It is also helpful in treating hyper-pigmented skin.
  • For natural skin care, it can be used as a moisturizer and applied directly on the skin.
  • Rosehip oil can be added to your creams, sunscreens, and lotion to improve their effectiveness.
  • This oil works very well for premature and aging skin. It helps to reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
  • As rosehip oil is a dry oil, it doesn't feel greasy. So, you can use it to moisturize the face.
  • It is very useful to get rid of facial acne scarring.
  • It can be used by children and adults to get rid of chickenpox scarring.
  • It is great for dry skin care and to treat the condition dermatitis.
  • It can also be used to get rid of skin burns.
  • Due to its high antioxidants content, and readily-absorbing property, it is beneficial to get rid of toxins from the skin.
  • For skin care, rosehip oil can also be used to improve the skin tone and texture.
  • It is also very beneficial to repair the skin damage caused by sun exposure.
  • It helps to restore the natural glow of the skin.
  • When mixed with helichrysum oil, it helps to reduce scar tissue and regenerate skin.
  • It can be blended with orange and clove oil, and used for massage. You can also use it neat.
  • You can also use rosehip oil on dry and brittle nails. Applying this oil regularly to your nails, will give them a natural shine and strengthen them.
  • It can also be used to condition dry and damaged hair. Slightly, warm up the oil in a small bowl. Then apply it to scalp and massage the scalp for ten minutes. Then apply the rest of the oil on your hair. Steam the hair for ten minutes and after an hour, wash the hair.
  • This oil works great after body brushing. Use a sisal mitt or loofah for body brushing, then take a shower and apply rosehip oil all over the body, to get radiant skin.
Caution: When used in high concentrations, this oil can aggravate acne. Rosehip oil is a delicate vegetable oil, to preserve it, keep it refrigerated. People with oily skin should avoid using it.
It is also recommended as a prevention therapy to be used daily to prevent wrinkles, drying of skin, and other skin disorders. You can get a 1 Oz. bottle of rosehip oil for the price of USD 4.
There are many other products which use rosehip oil as one of their primary product, like soaps and creams. However, it is better that you try the oil to see how it works. So, after bath pat your skin and apply this oil all over your body to gain all the benefits from it.