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Regrow Hair Naturally for Women

Parul Solanki
To regrow your hair, you need to fight the causes of hair loss and use simple remedies to foster the growth of beautiful long hair. Read on to know more about the ways to regrow hair naturally.
You must have tried many shampoos, hair vitamins and pills, spent a fortune on hair treatments and yet, hair loss remains a persistent problem. Most of the hair loss solutions and products do not help much in terms of regrowth. While some of them do manage to stem the hair loss for a while, growing your hair using chemical products is quite impossible.
Simple ways to regrow hair naturally are not only cost-effective, but are also free of all the ugly side effects associated with chemical treatments and hair growth pills. So can you regrow your hair naturally? Here is a look at some effective remedies for growing hair.

How To Regrow Hair Naturally for Women

Regular Scalp Massages:

Stimulating the scalp with gentle, light massages helps to improve the blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens the hair follicles, and fosters hair regrowth for women. Aromatherapy oils such as lavender and jojoba can be used for light massages as they not only relax and keep your hair healthy, but also foster hair regrowth.

Using Essential Oils:

The most common hair root regrowth treatments is the use of essential oils. Not only do they stimulate the scalp but also allow the hair to grow faster. Rosemary, jojoba, lavender, and olive oil when applied to the scalp can be very beneficial for hair growth.
Take a small amount of the oil in your hand and apply it to the areas where the hair is thinning out. Leave it overnight and then using a mild shampoo, wash off the excess oil from the hair.

Controlling Dihydrotestosterone (DHT):

Increase in the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is the main cause of hair loss and thinning. They have an adverse reaction on hair follicles, making them thinner and brittle. Extract of the herb Saw Palmetto, stops hair loss by controlling the conversion of testosterone into DHT. There are dietary supplements which contain natural hair loss cure.

Hair care:

Proper hair care is very essential for regrowing hair naturally. A clean scalp using suitable hair care products is effective in regrowing hair.
Shampoos containing herbal products like tea tree oil are very good for hair. Try avoiding commercial variants having harmful chemicals like SLS that strip the hair off its natural oils and lead to hair loss.

Healthy Diet:

Weight loss diets, fad diets and improper eating habits are one of the primary reasons for hair loss in women. In fact, research has shown that a protein-deficient diet is one of the main reasons for baldness and hair thinning. Enrich your diet with protein and amino acid sources such as chicken, eggs, milk, whey protein, fish, almonds, cheese, and beans.
Other essential nutrients for hair regrowth are vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. In addition to this, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplements, which are abundant in salmon, flaxseed, and flax oil, help to keep your scalp healthy.

Reduce Stress:

Constant stress is a cause of hair fall. Precipitated by events like pregnancy, illnesses or surgery, it can wreak a havoc to your hair. Reduce emotional and physical stress with aerobic exercises, yoga and meditation and regrow your hair naturally.
Most people who suffer from hair loss resort to popular treatments shown in commercials and magazines. These natural methods to regrow lost hair can save you from the harsh side effects of the chemical hair loss treatments.