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Regrow Hair Naturally

In order to regrow hair naturally, one needs to have food that favor hair regrowth. Adequate rest is equally important to stimulate hair regrowth.
Nicks J
In today's hectic lifestyle, hair problems that include thinning hair and hair loss, are common in both men and women. To resolve these issues, many people opt for hair transplants. However, these surgical procedures have their own drawbacks and the side effects associated with it, are a matter of concern.
Regrowing hair naturally, using hair care products that contain essential oils and herbs, is safe, effective and can bring the desired results within a short time.

How to Regrow Hair Naturally?

Unhealthy eating habits and lack of proper hair care are the factors that weaken the hair. Many people say that hair loss with age is inevitable. However, this not true and is often the result of leading a stressful life. Also, premature thinning of hair, or bald areas on the head at a young age can certainly be avoided. It is discussed here.

Oiling the Hair

In order to stimulate hair regrowth naturally, using essential oils like olive oil, castor oil or almond oil and herbs is safe, effective and can bring desired results in short time. Oiling hair regularly helps to combat receding hairline.
Apply the oil during bed time and cover the head with a plastic bag or towel. Oiling hair overnight, helps to nourish hair root and promote hair regrowth. In the morning, have a shower (do not use shampoo) and gently scrub the hair to remove the oil. Follow this routine thrice a week and continue as long as you do not notice improvement in your hair growth.

Scalp Massage

Another useful technique that boosts hair regrowth involves gentle massage to the scalp. Concentrate more on massaging the bald areas, but ensure that the massage is evenly given to the whole head.
Poor blood circulation to the scalp is the main cause of thinning of hair. A scalp massage with best oil promotes better blood flow, necessary for healthy regrowth of hair. As compared to other parts of the body, the flow of blood to the scalp is less. So, stimulation of the blood flow is very necessary, which can be easily achieved with a scalp massage.
Increased blood circulation to the scalp, benefits the hair follicles and prevents further hair loss. Using essential oils such as rosemary and thyme that are high in vitamins and minerals, for massaging the scalp daily can give a new life to your dull strands of hair and moreover stimulate hair follicles for faster hair growth.


Protein deficient diet can lead to hair loss. Studies reveal that people experiencing thinning hair show deficiency in proteins. One of the natural ways to regrow hair is to have a diet high in proteins.
As hair is made of proteins, a protein rich diet can ensure natural hair regrowth. Foods rich in protein are chicken, fish, nuts (almonds), cheese and beans. Also, make sure to have plenty of green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits as they provide main nutrients. And, vitamin and mineral supplements available in form of tablets, also boost hair regrowth.


The kind of shampoo that you use, will also influence your hair regrowth. Commercial shampoos contain substances like sodium laureth sulfate that can damage the hair. Natural hair regrowth for men and women is not possible, if these shampoos are used for washing hair.
Always opt for herbal shampoos as their ingredients (green tea, tea tree oil) assist to regrow hair. Receding hair is a headache for many, which can be resolved using these herbal shampoos. Shampoo twice a week to keep dandruff away and to stop hair fall.


Couch potatoes are likely to suffer from premature hair fall, thanks to their lackadaisical attitude towards exercise. Any cardiovascular activity such as running, jogging and fast walking increases blood circulation throughout the body including the hair follicles.
Improvement in blood flow delivers all the necessary nutrients to each and every cell of the body. This not only helps to grow, thick luscious hair but also promotes overall well-being. So, ditch your sedentary lifestyle by incorporating a 30-35 minute exercise routine into your day-to-day schedule.
Also, at the time of stress, the body releases cortisol hormone, which can have a negative impact on your hair growth. To combat stress induced hair loss exercising everyday is the best option. This is because daily exercise is found to be effective in reducing cortisol levels.
Studies have also shown that DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a by-product of testosterone is also responsible for causing hair loss in men. It is observed that progressive baldness in men has been linked to sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. The activity of DHT hormone is said to reduce the size of hair follicles, eventually causing male baldness pattern.
Best way to halt the effects of DHT hormone is through exercise, done at a mild intensity or gentle exercises like swimming, cycling; jogging to lower DHT levels. However, engaging oneself in high intensity workouts for long time increases the production of DHT. So, ensure you don't overexert yourself, but exercise at a moderate pace thrice a week.


Taking adequate sleep (7-8 hours) can revive your hair naturally. Ample rest is vital for natural hair regrowth for all. Too much stress causing sleep deprivation, is responsible for hair loss. To manage stress effectively, practice yoga and meditation.
On the whole, keep in mind that adequate nutrition intake is the key to bring back normal hair growth. Also, scalp massage with a high quality oil and staying away from shampoos that are filled with synthetic chemicals, will help stimulate hair regrowth.