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Regrow Eyebrows

Deepa Kartha
People who have thinning eyebrows must be definitely looking for ways to regrow them. If you are one among them, this article will give you complete information on some of the effective methods for regrowing your eyebrows.
Eyebrows are considered to be one of the most prominent features of the face, which, if shaped properly, have the ability to enhance the beauty of the eyes. However, apart from cosmetic reasons, our eyebrows also have the function of protecting the eyes from salty sweat as well as rain.
However, the length, color and thickness of the eyebrows are not the same for every person. While some people are gifted with dark and thick eyebrows, there are some who have very light and thin eyebrows. However, many times, due to too much of waxing, tweezing or plucking, eyebrows are likely to become scanty.
Also, women who are undergoing menopause may also observe eyebrow hair loss due to hormonal fluctuation. People can lose their eyebrow hair due to some kind of accidents too.
Apart from these, another reason that can cause loss of eyebrows is undergoing chemotherapy. Whatever the reason, thinning or loss of eyebrows can be frustrating because it is said to hamper the way one looks..
Usually, when a woman loses her eyebrows due to plucking or waxing, they are likely to regrow naturally. However, this can take lot of time, sometimes even more than a month. Nowadays, there are various products that can help in regrowing lost eyebrow hair. Other than these products, there are also some natural ways which can help stimulate regrowth.

Intake of Essential Vitamins

The hair on the eyebrows are made of protein and if a person has protein deficiency, he/she is likely to have thin eyebrows. Hence, it is extremely important to consume protein-rich foods. Other than proteins, it is also important to have foods that are rich in vitamin, A, B, C, and E.
If you are not getting proper nutrients from your food, taking some vitamin supplements will also help. Taking folic acid supplements is the best way of stimulating the eyebrow follicles, subsequently leading to eyebrow regrowth.

Gentle Massage

Most of us know that massages help in stimulating the scalp, thus leading to hair growth. In the same way, stimulating the eyebrow follicles with gentle massage helps too. With your fingertips, gently massage your eyebrows in the direction of the normal hair growth. Another way of doing this is by using an eyebrow brush.
Brush the eyebrow area in the direction in which the eyebrow hair grows. This has to be done at least twice in a day for approximately two minutes.

Use Rogaine

Rogaine is a topical cream which has been made specifically for treating male pattern baldness. However, there are many people, both men and women, who have tried using rogaine for regrowing eyebrow with successful results. However, while applying rogaine make sure that you use it extremely carefully and that the cream does not touch the eye.
For this, you can coat a q-tip with rogaine and lightly apply the cream on the area of the eyebrows. Though rogaine is said to help eyebrow regrowth, it will still take 2-3 weeks to observe any results. Hence, one has to apply this cream at least twice a day till one starts seeing results.
Once you observe some hair growth on the eyebrow area, you can reduce or stop the use of rogaine according to your wish. Although rogaine is one of the best products for stimulating eyebrow regrowth, the effectiveness of this cream will be different from person to person.
Though these methods are quite effective, they will not work if the eyebrow follicles are permanently damaged. In such conditions, you can make use of eyebrow pencil or powder to make the eyebrows look darker. However, if you do not find this satisfactory, you can buy fake eyebrows and stick them on the eyebrow area.
Apart from these, there are also some permanent methods like eyebrow tattoos as well as hair transplant where the hair from the scalp is taken and transplanted on the eyebrow area. If you are interested in any of the transplant methods, consult your doctor or dermatologist who can educate you more about these methods.