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Reduce Swelling of Pimples

Sonia Nair
An infected pimple may develop swelling, redness and pain. This article provides some tips to reduce such swelling.
Pimples have always been associated with adolescence, but this skin condition may be seen in adults too. There are various types of pimples, like whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Pimples can be found in both mild and severe forms. The basic cause for pimple formation is clogging of the tiny ducts that carry oil from the sebaceous glands to the pores on the skin. When exposed to air, the oil may get oxidized at the opening of the pore and turn black, thereby forming a blackhead. Pores that are clogged with oil may form whiteheads too. These blackheads and whiteheads are prone to infection, which in turn causes redness and swelling.

How to Reduce Swelling of Pimples

Some people have only blackheads or whiteheads that do not cause any complication; whereas, others have inflamed pimples that are red and tender. It is the excess oil secretion that leads to bacterial infection, which causes the swelling and redness.
Some people find satisfaction in squeezing the pimples, which usually lead to further spread of infection. Others try various products, which may or may not provide relief from swelling. Given below are some guidelines for reducing the swelling caused by pimples.
The most effective home remedy for relief from swelling is cold compresses. Place an ice pack over the pimple; and let it sit for two, three minutes. Never apply pressure on the pimple. Repeat this two to three times per hour.
A clay mask may work wonders, to reduce swelling of pimples. A bit of clay mask on a pimple can effectively draw the puss out and dry the pimple. Keep it overnight for best results.
A dab of tomato juice or cucumber juice on the pimples can tighten the skin pores and reduce swelling.
Toothpaste is also considered a good home remedy for pimples. Apply a small amount of a regular toothpaste (not the gel versions) on the pimple and keep it overnight.
Apple cider vinegar works as an astringent and reduces swelling, when applied over pimples.
You can also use a paste of sandalwood powder and rose water to apply on pimples. It can reduce the swelling and irritation to some extent. You may keep it overnight for good results.
Neem tree extract and Australian tea tree oil are also found to be effective in combating swelling of pimples. They are effective for killing the bacteria on the surface of the skin and for preventing further infection.
In case of cystic acne, egg white and strawberry leaves are considered the best home remedies.
These are some of the popular home remedies for reducing swelling of pimples. Find out the one which is best suited for you. Refrain from using substances, which may cause allergic reactions.
Never squeeze or pick at the pimple. This may result in spread of infection or scars on your face. If pimples are persistent or recurrent, consult a dermatologist.
Disclaimer: This story is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.