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Peeling Skin on Feet

Mamta Mule
Peeling of skin might occur near your toes, ankles, ball of the foot, heels or any other area on your feet. This condition is not really serious if it occurs during the days when weather is extremely cold. Dehydration is also a cause that can lead to this skin condition.

Treatment Measures

Remember that dryness or excess moisture is the primary cause of such skin problems. The first thing that you can do for curing this problem is cleaning your feet. Start by soaking your feet in warm water. You can take warm water in a tub and add 1/2 cup vinegar, 2 teaspoon of salt to the same.
This foot soaking solution, if used regularly, can cure many skin disorders caused due to fungal infection and clean off the dirt.
☞ Once the cleaning procedure is done, you need to moisturize your feet with a specially formulated foot moisturizer at least twice a day. Make sure that you grab a deep moisturizer and cover your feet with the same, followed by a quick massage if the skin is peeling off due to extreme dryness.
You can also opt for a safer solution to this, by using natural oils like almond oil, vitamin E oil or olive oil, which will help hydrate extremely dry skin and treat the problem of peeling skin. Moisturizing and massaging the area with oils or skin moisturizers, mostly ensures that the problem of peeling feet and hands is cured.
If fungal infection or sweating is the cause of peeling skin on feet, you need to opt for open footwear. Also, application of antifungal powder is known to be effective in such cases.
If sunburn is the cause of damaged and peeling feet, apply cold and soothing gels to make the surface cool. Aloe vera gel is the best solution to opt for, in this case. You can either buy it or get fresh juice from aloe vera stems. You can also keep applying rose water on the skin surface that is damaged due to sunburn.
Fresh mint juice is another remedy that works very well in treating the problem of peeling skin on hands and legs. Applying fresh mint juice, at least twice a day, definitely cures the problem of peeling skin caused due to eczema or fungal infections. Cucumber juice is also a beneficial ingredient for curing the problem of peeling skin.

What Causes Skin on the Feet to Peel Off?

If the skin on your feet is peeling off, dehydration is the most probable cause. Especially, the skin below your toes and heels dries off due to extreme weather. If not moisturized, this skin slowly starts peeling off.
Cracked heels, in which dust and soil particles get easily accumulated, can further worsen the condition leading to thick peeling skin on this area. Wrinkles on skin along with peeling skin on feet is a common condition.
Another condition called exfoliative dermatitis can cause peeling of your skin. Fungal infections are known to be among the most possible causes of problems related to the skin on your feet and soles. Athlete's foot, which is a fungal infection affecting feet can be a cause of peeling skin.
Another cause of peeling skin is Erythroderma, which is a type of psoriasis, mainly characterized by reddening of skin. Inflammation, blistering and peeling skin condition along with rash which can sometimes lead to itching can be a result of Eczema.
Excess perspiration caused due to constant use of closed and tight footwear can also lead to this skin problem. In some cases, severe sunburn is also a cause of peeling of skin along with reddening and itching. Peeling skin syndrome, an inherited and extremely rare skin disorder is another possible reason of this problem.
It is important to follow a healthy diet, so as to have a healthy skin. Also, make sure that you avoid use of soaps and detergents that can further aggravate this skin condition. In case you don't get relief and notice excess inflammation, rash and itching, along with peeling skin, you must consult a dermatologist.
Twice a week, keep your feet in a tub full of warm water in which natural oils and rose water is added. This will cleanse and nourish your feet, and keep them problem-free.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.