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Peeling Skin on Face

Smita Pandit
Our skin can become susceptible to various disorders due to exposure to environmental irritants or allergens. This write-up provides information on the contributing factors for peeling facial skin.
Though peeling skin is our body's way of getting rid of dead skin cells, it could sometimes be a sign of skin damage. Our skin is divided into three layers that are known as epidermis, dermis, and the subcutaneous tissues. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin that is constantly exposed to the environment.
Exposure to environmental pollutants or substances present in cosmetic products can make our skin vulnerable to several skin disorders. It could even give rise to excessive peeling of the skin.

Contributing Factors

Dry skin is one of the common reasons behind undesirable skin changes. Though the texture of the skin and the skin tone might be influenced by genetic factors, it is a lack of skin care that causes the facial skin to peel. Those who have a dry skin are most likely to experience peeling of skin on different parts of their body.
One of the common factors responsible for causing skin to peel is exposure to harsh environmental conditions. Cold winter winds can certainly make your skin dry and flaky. Another contributing factor id prolonged exposure to the sun. As you spend time outdoors, the sun's rays heat up the outermost layer on your skin, thereby causing it to become dry and flaky.
Besides environmental exposure, there could be other factors that can cause skin to become scaly or flaky. Skin changes could even be a side effect of certain medications. A genetic disorder called peeling skin syndrome might also be responsible for continuous peeling of skin on hands, feet, or face.
Exfoliative dermatitis, erythroderma, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, and Kawasaki disease are some conditions that are characterized by peeling and flaking skin.


If you have a very dry and sensitive skin, make sure that you keep your skin moisturized. You must keep yourself well hydrated. Besides increasing your intake of water, you must also apply skin moisturizers to get rid of dryness. Make sure that you use good quality skin care products, as sometimes ingredients used in cosmetic products might cause allergic or irritant contact dermatitis.
Exposure to sun or cold winter winds can make your skin dry, so wear protective clothing. Make sure that you apply a sunscreen with a high SPF, before stepping outdoors on a sunny day. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat will also protect your facial skin from sunburn.
If the skin on your face is peeling from sunburn, you can try certain remedies for sunburn relief. Application of aloe vera juice on the affected skin will certainly help. You can also apply potato juice or grated cucumber on your face. You can also apply juice extracted from fresh mint leaves.
Coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil can also be used to moisturize the skin. You can also use hydrocortisone creams for soothing the skin. Many people make the mistake of pulling the affected skin. This should be avoided, as that will irritate the skin and might lead to redness and inflammation.
The best way to prevent skin from becoming scaly and flaky is to keep it moisturized at all times. Since skin changes could be caused due to certain skin disorders, do consult a dermatologist to identify the underlying cause or possible triggers. Topical creams, moisturizers, and antibiotics might be prescribed by the dermatologist to prevent peeling of skin.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a dermatologist.