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Olive Oil for Hair

Bhakti Satalkar
I am sure you make use of olives and olive oil as ingredients regularly while cooking. Are you aware of the other uses of the oil derived from olives, otherwise known as olive oil? Olive oil is a good hair conditioner and can also be used to moisturize dry, flaky skin.
For many people it is difficult to believe that olive oil can be used for hair as well. Although olives are very commonly used for cooking and for skin care, its use for hair growth and treating hair problem is a relatively unknown remedy.
There are different ways in which olive oil can be used for treating hair problems. Olive oil alone can be used to massage the scalp or it can also be combined with other oils. It can also be used to make a conditioner.
Olives are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are water-soluble substances that are usually found in the waste water post the processing of olives. These polyphenols have antifungal and antibacterial properties due to which olive oil acts wonders when used on hair.

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It is a hypoallergenic in nature, therefore is useful in moisturizing skin as well as hair. It is rich in antioxidants and contains the beneficial vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

For Hair Treatment

Some of the best treatments for hair can be made at home using olive oil. The immediate results of such treatments are more manageable and healthier looking hair.
At the same time, your scalp will be much cleaner after an olive oil hair treatment. It moisturizes the hair and gives it some added shine. It repairs hair, which has been damaged due to various reasons.
Olive oil works well for dry hair or curly hair with dreadlocks. It smoothens out dry and frizzy hair, but there is no grease buildup, which is normally seen with other hair oils. There are times when the most silky hair becomes too difficult to manage. On such days, you can opt for an olive oil hair conditioning massage for about half an hour.
At times, olive oil is very heavy for a hair massage, you can, therefore, mix it with some other oil, like coconut oil, in the ratio 1:1 and then massage your hair with it. Not only will your hair get conditioned, olive oil will also remove static and frizz from your hair.

For Hair Growth

Extra virgin oil is rich in high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which is good for hair growth. Antioxidants are beneficial as they slow the aging process. Both monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E are good for moisturizing, protecting, and nourishing hair.
Olive oil makes hair grow stronger. Olive oil has emollient properties due to which it is often recommended for treating hair loss. It helps in battling dandruff, which can be one of the reasons for hair loss.

For Hair Lice

Very few people are aware that olive oil can be used to get rid of hair lice. It is a gentle way of getting rid of these creatures, which can cause much irritation and agony. However, olive oil treatment will have to be repeated a few times to see results, as it does take time to get rid of lice.

How to Use Olive Oil

To get lustrous, shiny, long hair, apply olive oil to your hair and scalp. However, there is a method, which you will need to follow for the same. It is best to use cold-pressed olive oil, for it has the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals in it. One can also make use of extra-virgin olive oil as well.
  • Take olive oil in a container and heat it slightly, but make sure you do not burn the oil.
  • Partition your hair using a wide-toothed comb.
  • Apply olive oil using a small cotton ball in the partitions.
  • Do not forget to oil your hair tips as well; they suffer the most due to pollution.
  • Once you have applied olive oil in all partitions and on your hair, massage your scalp gently for about 10 to 12 minutes.
  • Then cover your head with a hot towel or a shower cap so that the oil gets absorbed by the scalp and hair.
  • If you are in a hurry, you can wash your hair after 30 to 45 minutes.
  • If you are not in a hurry, then leaving olive oil on hair overnight is the best option.
  • Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.
  • While washing your hair, it is best to use lukewarm water, as warm water has a drying effect on the hair.
  • There are people who make use of olive oil as a serum. Take very small quantity of olive oil on your hand. Rub your hands together and then run your hands through your hair.

Olive Oil for Skin

Here are some ways to use olive oil for beautiful, smooth skin.
  • For smoother and softer skin, apply olive oil liberally on your hands and feet. Cover your hands and feet with hand gloves and socks after doing that. Wash it after an hour.
  • If your lips are chapped, apply extra virgin oil on them.
Olive oil is a cheaper option with which you can take care of your tresses. Often people wonder whether olive oil can be used for black hair. Olive oil can be used for any type of hair. It can also be used for oily hair.