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Olive Oil for Face

Aastha Dogra
Olive oil is a natural oil derived from the fruits of the olive tree. For centuries, women have been using olive oil for hair and skin care. Unlike the skin care products that are available in the market, olive oil is pure and natural, sans any chemicals, and hence, has no side effects either, thus, making it an ideal choice for facial skin care.
Instead of using the various cleansing creams and face washes in the market, which by the way, contain chemicals, you can use pure olive oil for face cleaning.
Here is a simple method for its usage.

Step 1
Take a small amount of virgin olive oil in your palms and apply it on your face. You do not need to wash your face with any soap or cleanser prior to its application. Use circular motions so that the oil reaches all the parts of the face, especially the creases of the nose, which normally get overlooked.
Step 2
Continue massaging for about two minutes. There are many benefits of olive oil for facial skin cleansing. It helps in dissolving the oil, dirt, makeup or any other impurities that get deposited in the skin pores. Post massaging, leave the oil on the face for about thirty seconds.

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Step 3
Now take a washcloth and dip it in hot water. Rinse it slightly and then put it on your face. This will help in steaming your face and thus, remove the impurities in the skin pores which have already been loosened by the oil. Keep the washcloth on the face for about ten minutes.

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Step 4
After the face steaming has been done, remove the wash cloth. Splash cold water on your face and clean it thoroughly so that oil is completely removed. Remember not to rub or pull your face skin while cleaning. Regularly washing your face with olive oil, will make your skin soft, supple and fresh.

Olive Oil Face Mask

Dry, wrinkled, or sunburned skin? This DIY face mask is your best bet! Mix one egg yolk, a tablespoon of flour, and half a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the paste to your skin, leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Use twice weekly for gorgeously moisturized skin!
Got normal skin? Whip up this easy face mask! Mix half a cup of yogurt, half a cup of cucumber juice, and half a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Once a week is all you need for a healthy glow!
Oily skin got you down? Try this face pack! Mix one cup oatmeal, half a tablespoon olive oil, sea salt, and half a cup of sour milk. Apply, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse. Say goodbye to pesky pimples and zits!
Want radiant skin? Mix a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, half a teaspoon of turmeric, and half a spoon of olive oil. Add enough milk to form a paste, then apply evenly to your face and neck. Leave on for 30 minutes and glow away!

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Follow this up by washing your face with lukewarm water. In the end, spray rosewater on your face. If applied every week, this face mask will give all skin types an unmatchable glow.
Besides being an excellent cleanser and an important ingredient in face masks, olive oil serves as a great moisturizer too. In order to use this oil for face massage, I prefer to use the one which is available in the market for cooking. Olive oil as a moisturizer helps in keeping the skin well-nourished, thus, making the face dewy-soft and glowing.