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How to Use Olive Oil for Acne

Sheetal Mandora
Applying olive oil on acne, or the scars can show results, if you follow the instructions religiously. Read the story to find the morning and evening routines.
Whether it is one pimple or a face filled with them, acne prone skin is anybody's worst nightmare. It doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl, acne is difficult to deal with. In order to get rid of acne, we all have tried tons of natural skin care and acne scars home remedies. During those remedy sessions, there are hundreds of trips to the dermatologist as well. And if you have to read this article, then I think it is safe to say that you still haven't found the perfect remedy.
You may be wondering why we have only concentrated on olive oil and no other natural remedies. The reason is olive oil has various health and beauty benefits as it takes good care of your skin. It works as a preventing and healing agent for your skin (and other parts of the body). Many cleansers, moisturizers, and skin creams contain olive oil as their main ingredient. With so many benefits and uses, why shouldn't we use this wonderful oil and get rid of acne once and for all.

Using Olive Oil

The reason some people get acne scars is due to popping or picking pimples. Although there are many products available in market that treat acne scars, using natural ingredients is much more effective.
Morning Routine
  1. Take ⅛ teaspoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  2. Mix both properly, and apply it directly over the scars.
  3. Leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes.
4.Wash your face will cool water and oil-free cleanser. Pat dry with a clean towel.
5.Dip your fingers in ¼ teaspoon olive oil, and massage it gently into your skin.
6.Make sure you are concentrating on the scars especially.
7.Leave it in for 20 minutes, and wash with lukewarm water now.
Evening Routine
  1. You need to follow these directions before going to bed.
  2. In a bowl, mix 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1 teaspoon baking soda.
  3. Apply it directly over the skin, and use your fingertips to scrub the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Use small, circular motions to scrub the mixture for about 2 to 3 minutes.
Concentrate more on the acne scar area. Take a warm, wet cloth and clean the face properly.You can also use olive oil to soften the dead scar tissue, and then take a steam with hot water. Your pores will open up easily, and give you a better chance to remove blackheads and acne without further irritating your skin, or making it worse.
You don't want to take any risks while treating acne or acne prone skin. It's better to be as gentle and careful as possible. Facial skin care is so vital, especially when it is acne prone. Don't take acne lightly or use harmful medications without consulting your dermatologist.