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Olive Oil as a Moisturizer

Deepa Kartha
Use of olive oil as a moisturizer is the best way to keep your skin hydrated. We'll give you information on the benefits of using olive oil and also the ways in which it can be used.
People use olive oil for cooking, as of its health benefits. Health benefits are many, and extend to increasing our immunity, health of hair and skin, and digestion. As time passed, many moisturizers were introduced, popularity of olive oil and natural moisturizers went down.
But, people have now realized that most of these beauty products are made up of chemicals and can cause innumerable side effects. So, substituting popular moisturizing creams and lotions with olive oil will be truly beneficial. This will keep your skin hydrated and also aid in getting rid of various skin problems, like acne, sunburn, etc.

Olive Oil Moisturizing

Olive oil is best for dry skin. In a winter, it is difficult to prevent the skin from becoming dry, olive oil is the best solution. The polyphenol compounds from this oil protect the skin from damage.
Just like for our skin, usage of this oil is also a good choice for keeping our hair moisturized. It has the ability to repair dry and damaged hair, thus making it healthy. Let's explore the benefits of using olive oil on our skin and hair.

Moisturizer For Skin

Many moisturizing creams, lotions containing olive oil are available in the market. But, it is easy to make your own cream at home.
First, wash your face with a good cleanser, lightly pat your face with a towel, and then apply the oil on the skin to get the best results. There are also some simple recipes that you can try. One way of applying olive oil is by mixing it with sugar. This combination acts as a great exfoliant, making the skin smooth and soft.
You can also combine it with equal amounts of vinegar and water. Apply it before going to bed, as it moisturize the skin at night and lighten the skin discoloration, fine lines, and wrinkles. Applying a mixture of olive oil and a few drops of lavender essential oil will beneficial for the skin, and also for having a good sleep at night.
Apart from these, prepare a mask by using pineapple. Blend 1 cup of pineapple chunks with 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil in an electronic blender. Apply this on your face, chest, and neck and allow it to remain there for 20-25 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Using olive oil on your skin after going out in the sun will aid in lessening the effects caused by sunburn. You can use olive oil for acne problems too. Other than this, you can also use this oil to cure the problem of dry or chapped lips, especially during winters.

Moisturizer for Hair

Olive oil is also used for hair for several benefits. Because it is not sticky or greasy like other hair oils and it has the capacity to protect hair from the damages caused due to high heat conditions.
Massaging your hair with olive oil is the best treatment for dry and lifeless hair. It also helps to fight with dandruff and split ends. Apply it on your hair and allow it to stay for half an hour, before rinsing it with a good shampoo and conditioner.
Apart from the uses of olive oil, it is important to know which type you should buy. Invest in an extra-virgin olive oil and not pure or light olive oil, as these are usually chemically processed and can cause side effects. Though organic olive oil may be quite expensive, it is surely a good investment, as a bottle of it lasts for a long period of time.