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Oily Hair but Dry Scalp Remedies

Pragya T
Are you wondering how to get rid of oily hair but dry scalp? Here are some effective tips that will help in treating this condition.
Treating oily hair and scalp is easier, and same goes for treating dry hair and scalp. However, treating oily hair and dry scalp needs some thought, as there aren't many products made for this condition. But, using some homemade recipes and solutions, you can get rid of this situation easily. Here are some useful home remedies for the same.


  • Shampoo + Tea Tree Oil:
    If you want to learn how to cure oily hair and dry scalp on a regular basis, then this is the best of remedy that you could use. First of all, pick a transparent and mild shampoo; going for an organic natural shampoo is a good idea, as it is very mild.
Then, whenever washing your hair, pour the shampoo in a bowl and add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to it. Mix it well, and use it to wash your hair. Massage your scalp for a minute, and let the shampoo sit for 5-10 minutes. Wash your hair with cool water after this.
Tea tree oil will help you rid of dry scalp, eczema, and dandruff, whereas washing hair with a mild shampoo everyday will help get rid of the oil. Make sure you keep the solution off your eyes, as tea tree oil is a powerful antibiotic and can cause your eyes to sting.
  • Hot Oil Treatment:
    Having a hot oil massage 3 times a week will provide nourishment to the scalp and prevent it from getting dry. To try out this remedy, use jojoba oil with half amount of olive oil. Olive oil has been used since ages for skin and hair care, and jojoba oil is light and resembles human sebum.
Thus, it will help the scalp to balance its sebum production, and help to maintain it moisturized. Take a bit of this solution, warm it up, and then apply using a cotton ball onto the scalp. Do not apply this mix to the hair. However, if you have split ends, then apply a bit of the oil on the hair ends.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse:
    Add a teaspoon of unrefined apple cider vinegar in a pint of water and mix it well. Then, shampoo your hair properly, and use this solution of vinegar as a final rinse for your hair. This mix acts as a tonic for the scalp, and it also helps to get rid of any soap residue which is weighing down the oily hair.
  • Lemon Water Wash:
    Take a juice of one big lemon in a cup full of water, and mix it well. After shampooing your hair, wash your scalp and hair with this solution. Lemon juice will help to get rid of any dandruff, and rid the hair of oil. As lemon juice is an excellent cleaner, it will also make your hair smell lemony fresh and give it a boune.
  • More Tips:
    For dry scalp treatment before every shampoo, apply a bit of milk to the scalp using a cotton ball to moisturize and nourish it. Avoid using it on the hair though. This will help to condition the scalp. For treating an oily scalp, dry roots, and split ends, you can use any creamy hair conditioner only at the hair ends.
Sometimes, people tend to get oily hair and dry scalp due to hormonal imbalance. Hence, following a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can also help to cure this problem.