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Neck Skin Tightening Exercises

Sujata Iyer
There are few neck skin tightening exercises that you can choose to make the neck skin firm and tight.
Nobody likes to have loose skin on their body, let alone their neck and want to be known by the double chin they have or the lines and folds beneath their chin. However, sometimes, it is unavoidable. Rapid weight loss, surgery, aging or obesity can lead to the neck skin becoming extremely loose and inelastic. The skin looks old and becomes extremely soft.
In such cases, you have the option of a surgery or applying lotions and creams to help the neck skin become firm and tight. Or you can also indulge in some neck skin tightening exercises, which will work in tandem with the other treatments that you're undergoing, to tighten your loose neck skin. Listed here are some simple exercises for you.

Chin to Chest:

This exercise can be done even before getting out of the bed. Just lay down on the bed, facing the ceiling, such that your head droops over its edge. Now, with your mouth wide open lift your head up and try to touch your chin to the chest.
Wait in this posture for 10 seconds and slowly go back to the original position. Frequent the exercise by 10- 12 times every morning and once comfortable, do this as many times as you want.

Lift the Lip:

You can do this exercise anywhere anytime. It's the simplest exercise to tighten the loose skin of your neck. Stretch your lower lip completely covering the upper lip and stay like this for about 7 counts and release. Before you repeat the exercise wait for 7 counts. Do this 12 times at a stretch, at least 4 times a day to help the skin become taut.

Look Up and Down:

You can perform this at your desk at work and as many times as possible. Lean back on the chair and turn your head upwards to face the ceiling. Now, press your tongue firmly to the roof of your mouth. Hold this position till the neck muscles tighten. Then lower your chin once and lift it again. Repeat this 5 times and relax for 10 seconds before resuming.

Jut the Chin Out:

Sit straight on a chair with hands on the thighs. Keep your back and shoulders rigid and slowly push your chin in the front. When you feel the strain on the neck muscles, wait for about 12 counts and then get back to initial position. Begin doing this exercise about 5 times at a stretch, twice a day, and gradually increase the number and the frequency.
These were some really simple neck skin tightening exercises that can be done simultaneously with any other activities.
They will help you tighten your neck skin, even without resorting to extreme measures like surgery. Also, they are great anti-aging exercise. Perform these exercises regularly and prevent the skin from sagging loose, to prevent the turkey wattle effect.