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Natural Shampoo Recipes

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Using natural shampoos is an easy solution to minimize hair problems in the long run. You can alter the ingredients according to your hair type and requirements. Here's more.
No matter how much we take care of our hair, the symptoms of breakage, split ends, thinning, etc., still remain. The main reason behind these issues is the removal of hair moisture, leading to dryness of hair. Commercial hair care products contain strong and harmful chemicals, and with the rising problems like hair graying and hair loss, many people are opting for homemade shampoos.
The best part with natural shampoos is that you can alter the ingredients according to your hair care regimen. Making homemade natural shampoos is not as tricky as it sounds. All you need to do is understand the properties of the agents before adding in your formulation. By doing so, you can easily make out the active substances suited to your hair type.

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipes

The easiest natural shampoo recipe involves making a paste out of baking soda and water. You can use it in the same manner as you apply shampoo and rinse it. Of course, this mixture does not form lather like commercially sold shampoos. However, it will definitely result in a clean scalp and lustrous hair.

For Oily Hair

  • 12 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 12 drops sage essential oil
  • 12 drops cypress essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3 ounces of liquid Castile soap

In a clean mixing bowl, combine all the essential oils: eucalyptus oil, sage oil, cypress oil, and lavender oil. To this, stir in Castile soap and mix well. Store this homemade shampoo in an airtight container. You can use it in the regular way as you would use a shampoo. For oily hair, ensure that you add lavender essential oil as one of the ingredients. It helps reduce oil secretion by the sebaceous glands and soothe itching scalp problems.

For Dry Hair

  • ½ cup liquid Castile soap
  • ½ cup aloe vera gel
  • 2 teaspoons glycerin
  • ½ teaspoon light vegetable oil

In a clean mixing bowl, combine the above-listed ingredients: Castile liquid soap, aloe vera gel, glycerin, and light vegetable oil. Using a wooden spatula, stir well the mixture, until blended into a smooth concoction. Fill shampoo into a container with a tight lid and store in room temperature condition. While using, shake shampoo and gently rub it on the scalp and hair. If time permits, leave like that for 25 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
To add luster and shine to hair, do not forget to add a few drops of honey in the ingredients. You can also use olive oil for moisturizing and smoothening black hair. Last but not the least, add fresh lemon juice to keep the scalp clean.
Though it is not always possible to replace commercial shampoos with natural versions, you can use them on an alternate basis. What is more, the cost of making this natural hair product is much lesser than commercial shampoos.