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Moisturizer for Acne-prone Skin

Parul Solanki
The best moisturizer for acne-prone skin should ideally be oil-free, non-comedogenic, and contain mattifying ingredients such as tea tree oil and retinol. Continue reading to know which moisturizer you should buy if you have an acne prone skin!
Moisturizing is an essential part of the your skin care process. Although people might believe that oily skin does not need a moisturizer, experts recommend the use of moisturizers irrespective of the skin type. In fact, studies have shown that the use of moisturizers can be effective in treating acne.
It is important to note that the moisturizers for acne-prone skin need to be heavier and more emollient so as not clog up the pores. So while the creams are not recommended due to the presence of fats and oils in them, gels and lighter lotions are the best bet for people suffering from acne.

Things To Look For in a Moisturizer for Acne-prone Skin

Oil-free Moisturizers:

People with oily skin do not have to heap on more layers of oil on top. Instead, water-based moisturizers are effective in treating acne-prone skin. Rather than moisturizers with mineral oil, stick to ones which have glycerin as the featured ingredient. The glycerin in the moisturizer acts as a humectant and keeps the skin hydration balance in order.

Non-Comedogenic Moisturizers:

Acne-prone skin can have breakouts, blackheads, and whiteheads if non-comodogenic moisturizers are not used. These moisturizers have specific ingredients that do not clog the pores. For increasing the efficacy of the product, make sure you put on two light coats instead of smearing on a large single coat of moisturizer.

Moisturizer Ingredients:

Moisturizers for acne-prone skin should ideally contain certain drying agents like salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide, or retinol. The beta hydroxy salicylic acid is great for skin exfoliation and in clearing the dead cells. It is the preferred choice as compared to the alpha hydroxy acids as they have ability to penetrate the oil layers.
The presence of acne products with benzoyl peroxide is effective in fighting off the blemishes and killing the bacteria. People should ideally start at the lowest strength of benzoyl peroxide in the moisturizer concentrations and move up slowly.
Jojoba oil, tea tree oil, and aloe vera gel are some of the best natural moisturizers for acne-prone skin as they mimic the natural oil production by our own skin and restrict the excess oil production.

Water-based Moisturizers:

The presence of fats and lipids in the cream-based moisturizers can aggravate the acne. Instead, opt for serums and light water-based lotions that can restore the moisture balance without drying out the skin.

Moisturizers with Sun Protection:

Protection from the sun is essential when preventing sunburn and skin cancer; especially for people using topical creams containing retinol for treating acne. Use a moisturizer with SPF to prevent problems sunburn.

Reduce Dark Spots:

Excessive melanin production, triggered off after an acne outbreak, can be remedied using a moisturizer that contains soy or niacinamide (vitamin B complex).
People suffering from acne should watch out for anti-aging creams which are usually for drier skins, can thus clog up pores and aggravate the acne. keep in mind that not all natural ingredients present in moisturizers are good for acne-prone skin.
So while coconut oil can clog pores, peppermint oil can be a potential irritant for skin riddled with acne. So choose a moisturizer with care and look at the ingredients before you find the one product that is best for you.