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Makeup Tips for Teenagers

Kashmira Lad
Dying to spice up your looks without looking made-up? This information will help you put the best foot forward with some makeup tips for teenagers.
The teenage years are the most enjoyable, and also the most difficult time for certain youngsters. This is the time one goes into high school, and often remains confused as to whether he/she is a kid or a grown up. Restrictions and more restrictions!
Do not party too much, wear less makeup, and concentrate on your studies; most teenagers would be familiar with these lines! Well, whether the parents like it or not, most teens love to use cosmetics. Use the following teen makeup tips to look stunning for that happening night out with the cute guy next door!

Complete Makeup Tips

If you are not blessed with the best skin, and already have a pimple a day before the party, don't panic. It can be managed with makeup. However, you must avoid using too much of it on a daily basis, as it would simply harm your skin in the long run.
‣ To brighten up your skin, you need to follow a good skincare routine. Use a deep cleanser to remove all the oil and traces of makeup every night. Use a gentle scrub, once in a while, to get rid of dull skin.
‣ All teens are fascinated by foundation, but they don't actually need it. Leave that to the grown ups. If you are having spots or marks, use a concealer to hide the problem areas.
‣ Use tinted bronze shades that can add to the natural glow of your skin. Apply on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and the nose. This would give you a sun-kissed look.
‣ Use some loose powder to even out the uneven texture of the skin.
‣ Use eye makeup only for night parties. You can begin with a light eye shadow to cover the eyelid. Then, take a slightly darker eye shadow, and cover the area towards the top of the eyelid.
Choose shades that suit your skin tone, or those that match your outfit. Be careful of zany shades such as blue, as it may make you look pale. Apply a black/brown liner to the eyelid and apply some kohl under your eyes to give them definition. This would help you attract attention to your eyes. Finish with a coat of mascara, which will makes them look wider.
‣ If you need to define your eyebrows, use an eyebrow pencil that is a shade lighter than the natural color. Use an eyebrow comb to brush it out evenly.
‣ Blusher helps to add to the warmth of the skin, and can also help to liven up your look. For a chiseled look, dab some blusher slightly below your cheekbones. Apply it in an outward direction if you want your eyes to appear wider.
‣ Lipsticks are high on the must-haves. Always use a lip liner to define your lips well. Use natural shades for the day, and dark shades for the night. Nude shades work best for a sun-kissed look in the morning hours. Top it with loads of gloss for haughty lips.
You also need to keep the lipstick shade in coordination with your eye shadow. Both have to be on similar lines. Light shades also help to make your lips appear fuller.

‣ Highlighters help to bring more attention to specific areas of the face. Use a silver highlighter under your brow to jazz up the eyes.

Some Considerations

‣ Make sure you use the right brushes for the application of makeup
‣ Always test the foundation or products on a patch of skin on your forehand. This helps in avoiding allergies and reactions.
‣ Clean the brushes once you are done. Do not leave any color on them for a long period of time.
‣ Avoid heavy makeup, and cleanse your face after getting back home.
Cosmetics should be used to enhance your features. Remember, you must not solely depend on them. Always eat right, and be happy. This is bound to reflect on your face, and help you look truly beautiful.