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Maintaining Your Hair All Through Summer

Prerna Salla
Summer means fun in the sun. Lazy days at the beach, lounging poolside, jetting around town with the top down, and enjoying barbecue with friends! A few tips to take care of your hair, which bears most of the brunt of the relentless sunlight it will be exposed to.
Protecting your hair from the elements such as sun, dust, and pollution can prevent problems such as brittleness, dry hair, hair loss, and split ends.

Some Tips

* You could protect your hair with an anti-chlorine shampoo if your summer plan includes a lot of pool time. It's best to use a moisturizing shampoo along with a conditioner at least a few times a week to combat any dryness that can be caused by daily exposure to the sun.
* Do a hot oil treatment followed by washing with a clarifying shampoo about three times a month. Oil offers nourishment and adds luster, while shampoo will remove any residue of chlorine, salt, sunscreen, and other styling products.
Coconut oil by far is best for your hair, in any season. You could also experiment with a mixture of olive oil, a few teaspoons of lime juice, and coconut oil.

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* Protect your hair from the damaging rays of the sun. Talk to your hairdresser about creams and spray treatments that offer sun protection. It would be ideal if you could go out with an umbrella or perhaps have your hair covered with a scarf. The sun not only discolors your hair, but also can make it devoid of moisture.
* Minimize the breakage caused by tight ponytails by pulling your hair back with headbands, hair sticks and hair clips instead. It would be ideal if you could treat your hair with a special "summer cut ".The shorter the hair, the more manageable and clean it will be.
* Remember that colored hair fades faster when exposed to the direct rays of the sun. Hats or head wraps in such cases are a must. Find out which sun protection product is best for your hair. If possible, use conditioners specially formulated for colored hair.
* Avoid using blow dryers, hot rollers, and curling irons whenever possible. When it's a must, always use heat-activated styling products to prevent dryness. Straightening irons with a low heat setting are recommended.
* If you really want highlights for your hair, you could create natural blond highlights with a chamomile or lemon juice rinse.

And Some Caution

* Remember that although your scalp is covered with hair, it's still susceptible to sunburn. Try not to use darker shades of either umbrellas or scarves, as they absorb more heat. It would be best if you could avoid silks in summer. Stay loyal to cotton.
* And while you are truly in awe of your streaks, remember that these naturally created streaks may cause your hair to look dry. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can cause dryness.
* Despite their foul odor, eggs and vinegar do wonders for our hair! All you would really need are 2 egg yolks, and 4 tablespoons of vinegar.
Just mix these in and apply them to damp hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then shampoo thoroughly. Shampoo removes the smell and a conditioner will make your hair more shiny and manageable.