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Liquid Makeup for Acne-prone Skin

Scholasticus K
Every teenage girl who suffers from the unfortunate condition of acne is concerned whether her acne is visible and whether it will leave a scar on her face. But there are several remedies and various types of liquid makeup available that will help hide or cover up acne.
Acne, known as acne vulgaris, is a type of natural skin condition that occurs in the human body as a result of certain hormonal changes. Oily skin that causes pimples and blemishes can lead to acne. The condition of acne is further worsened by the deposition of oil in the pores of the skin. Acne also leads to blackheads and clogging of the pores.

Controlling Acne...

.. Through a Balanced Diet
  • Always keep your skin well-hydrated, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • To get rid of acne, consume at least 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Include fruits and veggies in your diet; eat healthy food.
  • Say NO to junk food, oily and spicy food, aerated drinks, chocolates, excessive use of salt or sugar and caffeine. Switch to healthy meals and treat your body with utmost care.

.. by Following a Good Skin Care Routine

Wash your face three to four times a day. Cleanliness goes a long way in preventing acne and other skin problems.
Cleanse your face with cold water, so that the dried out keratin (form of fibrous protein), dirt and accumulated bacteria are washed off. These components block the skin pores resulting in pimples or acne marks. Thus, if you take precautions to prevent this blockage of sweat and oil, then there would be minimum chances of you getting acne on your face.

How Liquid Makeup Helps

The use of liquid makeup for acne-prone skin depends on severity of acne. For oily skin, it is advisable to use liquid or mineral makeup. If you have a mild acne problem, then apply water-based liquid makeup.
The risk in using makeup on an already vulnerable skin is that it may result into clogging of skin pores. So, it is extremely important to thoroughly wash your face with cold water. Use a medicated face wash made specially for sensitive skin. Dry off with a clean towel or a tissue paper.

Non-comedogenic Quality

Mineral and liquid makeup is usually non-comedogenic in nature and do not clog the pores, hence helps prevent acne.
Many acne-related products that are titled "non-comedogenic", also have antibacterial properties, due to which the bacteria that are trapped within the pores are killed. They come in oil-free liquid form as well as powder mineral form. Pick out what suits your skin type the best.

Presence of Aloe Vera

The second type of makeup, that we would suggest is the one that has aloe Vera or aloe Vera essence. It's proven that aloe Vera reduces the swelling or redness and protects and nourishes the skin.
The usage of aloe Vera-based makeup would ensure a clean skin, due to its antibacterial properties. This type of makeup prevents inflammation of skin and heals the scars caused by acne. Some of these makeup types that have aloe Vera are oil-based and can be used for dry skin while the others which are water-based can be used for oily skin.
As mentioned here, acne can be best treated with the help of natural skin care products, and a medicated face wash that is specially made for sensitive skin to remove excess oil accumulated on your face. It is advisable to consult a skin specialist before you apply any form of makeup on skin that is prone to acne.