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Lemon Juice for Acne Scars

Chandramita Bora
With regular application, lemon juice can lighten the dark spots and scars left behind by acne and pimples. Go through this article to find out the benefits of lemon juice for the skin, and how it can reduce the appearance of acne scars.
Acne is one of the most common skin problems that affect teenagers and adolescents. Even many adults can develop acne and pimples frequently. It is true that acne lesions heal within a couple of days, but they often leave behind red or dark spots on the skin. Such spots or marks are what we identify as acne scars.
Though various acne scar removal products are available in the market, many people like to use some natural remedies. One such natural remedy is lemon juice. If applied regularly, it can significantly reduce the dark spots and scars caused by acne. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, which can reduce the visibility of acne scars just within a few weeks.

Can Lemon Juice Fade Acne Scars?

Lemon juice has been employed for both acne and acne scar removal for a long time. It can make the skin tone even by removing unwanted scars and hyperpigmentation. It can also make the skin soft and supple. Lemons contain citric acid, which can destroy the acne-causing bacteria. So, citric acid can prevent the development of acne and pimples. This fruit acid belongs to the group of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which are known for their skin exfoliating properties. Alpha hydroxy acids (including citric acid) can exfoliate the skin by removing the dead skin cells.
Exfoliation can promote the growth of new skin cells, prevent the development of acne and pimples, and reduce the appearance of acne scars. Lemon juice is also known as a natural skin lightener, and so, it can be used to lighten or reduce the appearance of dark, discolored spots, and scars. It can also give a flawless and even complexion. However, this remedy works slowly, which means that it can take a few weeks, before you can notice any significant change.
However, lemon juice can cause skin dryness and irritation, if used excessively. Therefore, it needs to be used with caution. For acne scar removal, you can use lemon juice directly on your skin, or mix it with some other natural products. Before applying the juice, be sure to clean your face with lukewarm water. Then squeeze about 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and dab it into a cotton ball. Apply the juice on the scars with the cotton ball, and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes so that the skin can absorb it. Then wash it off with clean water. Many people keep it overnight and then rinse it off in the morning.
Lemon juice is known to produce a burning or stinging sensation on the skin, when applied topically. This sensation, however, subsides within a few minutes. But still, if you think that your skin is very sensitive, then dilute the juice with some water. If you have dry skin, then lemon juice can make your skin dryer. To prevent excessive dryness, you should use a good moisturizer after applying lemon juice on your skin. You can also mix the juice with honey, if your skin is dry. People with oily skin on the other hand, can use a mixture of lemon and cucumber juice for acne scar removal.
Apart from removing scars and dark spots, lemon juice can help you get a more radiant and even skin tone. However, it can make the skin photosensitive. So, be sure to use a sunscreen before going out in the sun while using this remedy. Along with topical application, you can also consider to drink lemon juice. Rich in vitamin C and minerals, lemons can cleanse and detoxify the liver, besides preventing the development of acne and pimples.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.