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Lemon Juice for Acne

Mamta Mule
Use of lemon juice for acne is very popular. There are various recipes for acne treatment that consist use of this ingredient. Acne is known to be effectively cured using this due to its antibacterial properties. Here are a few recipes to get rid of acne and have a fantastic skin.
Acne can be irritating and difficult to get rid of. While there are many home remedies that you can make use of to get rid of it, only a few would give you quick and effective results. One such ingredient is lemon juice. This juice, when applied over skin is known to remove excess oil and helps get rid of dead skin cells.
The citric acid effectively works as an acid peel removing the outermost layer and helps you have a healthy skin. It works as an astringent, detoxifying, and antibacterial agent.
Moreover, scars or marks are also effectively cured with its help. Treatment through this home remedy might take a few days to show results, but you will definitely notice the difference soon.

Acne Treatment Options

Treatment # 1

Squeeze one lemon in a small bowl. Soak a cotton ball in the juice. Clean your skin with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Now dab the juice thoroughly over the affected area on your skin. This is the best treatment that can be done before going to bed. Leave it overnight and wash the skin with water in the morning. Do not use soap over the affected area.

Treatment # 2

For those with sensitive skin, applying the juice might make it red and even burn sometimes. So, you can dilute it before application. You can add equal amounts of water or rose water to it. Rose water will give a cool feeling and help cure acne along with the juice.

Treatment # 3

Honey and almond oil are very effective ingredients commonly used for curing skin disorders. Take 5 tbsp. of honey, 7 tbsp. of almond oil, and 3 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice in a bowl and mix well. Apply this over the affected area. This is one of the best anti-inflammatory agents and it works by destroying the bacterial infections, hence curing acne and its marks.

Treatment # 4

Mix half cup of lemon juice with 2 tsp. of egg white. Apply this mask over the affected skin for about 30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Dry the skin and apply an astringent. Using the juice along with an egg white regularly, will surely help give you a clean and clear skin.

Treatment # 5

Drinking this juice is very beneficial for your health and skin. This helps eliminate acid waste from your body. Apart from this, it helps cure constipation, improves the digestion process, and reduce infections. You can add one lemon to a glass of warm water and drink it as soon as you wake up every morning.
This is also known to improve your complexion and skin texture. You can also add one spoon of honey to this drink to make it more effective. Also, remember that you should not drink or eat anything for about half hour after consuming this drink. This is especially useful in case of severe acne breakout.
While there are various ways in which you can use the juice, you can try them and find one suitable for your skin and follow it. Acne can be surely cured by regular use of the aforementioned recipes. This condition should not be ignored, treating it in initial stages will help you stay away from severe breakouts. In case of very severe breakouts you must seek help from a dermatologist.