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Jojoba Oil Benefits for Hair

Megha Tiwari
Do you want glossy and shiny tresses, avail the jojoba oil benefits for hair. Read this story to know more about this amazing oil.
Are you worried about the luster and glow of your hair that has been lost due to regular use of harsh chemicals for different hairstyles? The conditioners, shampoos, and gels that claim to soften the hair actually extract all the nutrients, ruin the natural texture, and leave your hair dry and damaged.
If you want to get back the lost texture and glow without the use of such chemical products, try jojoba oil, a natural oil that has innumerable benefits associated with it. There are many uses of this oil for hair and skin care, health, and treatment of various diseases. In this article, we will be concentrating on this oil's benefits for hair.
Jojoba oil moisturizer and conditioners are the best natural extracts for hair as well as skin. The oil extracted from a plant known as Simmondsia chinensis is very effective as a hair softener, cleaning agent, moisturizer for hair as well as skin, and conditioner.
Jojoba Oil for Hair Care
  • Moisturizing:
    The inherent structure of jojoba oil resembles the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands in our skin, which acts like a moisturizer for dry scalp. Jojoba oil, having a similar structure, helps in maintaining the required level of moisturizer in the scalp.
Regular use of this oil for massage gives strength to hair and makes them breakage resistant by providing them required moisturizer and making them free of split-ends and tangles. When a few drops of jojoba oil are mixed with a shampoo, new cell growth is promoted that makes the hair stronger and gets rid of dryness and frizz.
  • Hair Growth:
    As we know, the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands moisturizes the scalp and prevents hair loss. But sometimes, its thickened build-up might block the hair follicles that in turn would restrict growth and increase hair loss.
Jojoba oil does miracles in such situations. It acts as a solubilizing agent and disbands the sticky build-up and diffuses through the follicles. This allows the follicles to promote hair growth.
  • Antiseptic:
    The list of benefits availed from the oil would be incomplete without mentioning its antiseptic properties. Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, there are many anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties to jojoba oil.
It makes the scalp healthy by keeping away the diseases like eczema, scalp dermatitis, and psoriasis. A massage with organic jojoba oil also improves the blood circulation and keeps hair healthy.
  • Protection and Healing:
    Jojoba oil is like a protection shield for the hair. Along with its conditioning and moisturizing properties, it improves scalp capillary circulation. Direct application of this oil attracts dust and dirt, and keeps the hair in safe mode.
If the oil is mixed with other natural extracts, like lavender, rosemary oil, and comfrey, the benefits would be doubled for healing the hair and providing nourishment. Mixing it with emu and primrose oils is good healing hair damage.
Jojoba oil is an inexpensive way of bringing back the lost shine and luster of your tresses.
Its benefits are not just an end with its positive properties, as the uses of this oil can be seen in the products like shampoos, conditioners, facial creams, hand and body lotion, cuticle and nail care products, baby care lotion, cleansers, bath oil and soaps, sunscreen lotions, and make-up products.
So, use this natural oil that has been bestowed by the nature to mankind.