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Itchy Sores on Scalp

Marlene Alphonse
Suffering from itchy sores on the scalp can be quite a harrowing as well as annoying experience. These sores can appear anywhere on the scalp and can also be seen on the nape of the neck.
Skin problems, especially red itchy sores on the scalp, are quite common, owing to the scalp being exposed to the sun, dust, pollution, and harsh chemicals. This dermatological condition may affect the scalp, from where it can spread to the nape and shoulders.
This problem can be identified by observing signs like small, red bumps on the scalp and the nearby regions, which may cause a severe itching sensation, at times accompanied by pain and a burning feeling due to persistent scratching.
At times these may also resemble pimples on the scalp and the neck. Let us discuss the causes and methods of relieving itchy sores on the scalp as well as the back of the neck.

Triggers for Itchy Scalp Sores

There can be several causes of sore spots on the scalp, which may be mild or intense depending on the duration of its occurrence. Mentioned here are some of the reasons why individuals may suffer from varying degrees of scalp sores.
  • Clogging of the skin pores due to oil, dust and other irritants, which may end up as acne or scalp pimples.
  • Infestation of head lice, mites and dandruff on the scalp.
  • Dermatitis, which is a result of an allergic reaction due to harsh chemicals.
  • Epidermal and sebaceous cysts, may form on the scalp which may be itchy in nature.
  • Infections like chickenpox, psoriasis, ringworm and staphylococcus bacteria may affect the scalp and contribute to the eruption of bumps.
  • Large, red bumps or sores known as hives are also responsible for the burning sensation in the scalp.
  • Growth of painful tumors can result in skin cancer.

Treatment for Itchy Sores on Scalp

There are a number of treatment methods for sores on the scalp, in terms of clinical treatment options as well as home remedies for itchy sores. It is also advisable to complete the course of treatment for quick relief from this distressing condition.

Home Remedies

Using certain things that are easily available at home to get rid of itchy bumps on the scalp is an effective way without any unwanted effects on the scalp as well as the hair.
These natural remedies help balance the moisture in the scalp and also prevent the recurrence of this scalp problem. Here are some of the natural methods for treating itchy and inflamed sores (or bumps) on the scalp.
>>Massaging the scalp with essential oils like lavender, jojoba and tea tree oil etc. will help get rid of dandruff and head lice. Blend these oils and apply them to the scalp and wash it off after half an hour.
>>Neem oil has antibacterial properties which destroys parasites and gets rid of infection.
>>Rosemary oil soothes the burning sensation and also controls the spread of this skin disorder.
>>A mixture of yogurt and lemon juice, applied on the scalp reduces the sores and also prevents the occurrence of dandruff.

Clinical Treatments

In case the home remedies mentioned here do not prove to be that effective in reducing the signs of the sores on the scalp, then consulting a dermatologist regarding the problem is a better option. In order to get complete riddance from the scalp sores, the physician will first perform some tests to determine the exact nature and cause of the sores.
Once the diagnostic tests are over, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines to reduce the itching sensation and the inflammation of the scalp. He may also recommend shampoos which may bring down the severity of the sores without causing much harm to the scalp or hair.
Over the counter shampoos which have a composition of salicylic acid, ketoconazole, selenium sulfide and ciclopirox etc. can be used. An antibacterial conditioner, post hair wash is also recommended.
Apart from these treatment options it is essential to include a healthy diet and also practice proper hygiene to avoid scalp problem.
Drinking plenty of water and other fluids will keep the body and scalp hydrated thus reducing the chances of dry skin.
Itchy sores on the scalp and hair loss often go hand in hand, so in order to avoid these issues it is necessary to take timely treatment. In case the condition persists, or is accompanied by an intense burning sensation and discomfort, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist, for exact analysis and treatment. Take care!