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How to Shape Nails

Mukta Gaikwad
Nails speak a lot about you. Make your own style statement, with well shaped nails. So, if your nails are out of shape, here are a few tips and techniques for how to shape nails at home.
Shaping nails require a little skill and above all, patience. Well-shaped nails enhance the look of your hands, making them look graceful and elegant. The attractiveness of your hands is very much decided by the way you shape your nails. Nicely painted nails which complement your complexion bring out the sophistication in you.
A hand sporting prim and proper nails, is, at times, a turn on too. Thus, if you really want to accentuate your femininity, shaping your nails is the best way of doing it. Trips to the parlor, do rip off your pockets. Thus, these few tips on shaping nails at home will help you save money and get beautiful hands within minutes.

Tip #1

With a good quality nail polish remover, wipe out the nail polish from your nails. Make sure you've removed the nail polish from ever corner, as the color gets left out around cuticles and towards the skin.
The best way of thoroughly removing the nail polish, is using, a ear bud. Soak the ear bud, in the nail polish remover, and remove the paint on your nails with it.

Tip #2

You will need to make your nails softer, because dry nails are quite hard to shape and can break easily. Soak your hands in a bowl of lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes. Wipe them dry and then begin with the procedure of shaping your nails.

Tip #3

With a cuticle cutter or a cuticle remover, cut out the cuticle on your nails. Be careful while doing so, as the skin in this area is very soft and can bleed profusely with just a slight cut. Scoop out the dirt stuck in your nails with a nail file.
With a soft manicure brush, scrub your hands to remove all the dead skin, tan (it can be removed only to a certain extent), and the remaining dirt and grime.
Once again, soak your hands in lukewarm water to make the nails soft.

Tip #4

Now you can begin shaping your nails with, either a metallic or sandpaper nail file. By moving the nail file in a see sawing action, you will be able to get the desired shape for your nails.
You can give your nails, the look you want my trimming either side or both the sides. This will make your nails look shorter for a little while, but they will eventually grow in the given shape.

Tip #5

The last part for shaping nails, is to give it the finishing touch. Buff your nails by removing the rough edges and the nail dust.
Finally give your nails a bit of shine with a nail varnish. This will make your nails look totally natural and sexy.
Well-groomed nails, speak a lot about you and your personal grooming habits. Moreover, shaped nails look fresh and trendy. The best way of making your nails look classy, is to paint them with a nail paint, that is closest to your skin complexion. This gives a nude look, which never goes out of fashion.