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How to Pluck Eyebrows

Medha Godbole
Tweezing your eyebrows by yourself is not an uphill task. All you have to do is get acquainted with some basic steps. Read on to know more.
It's not a secret that plucking eyerbrows can be a painful process. But with the right instrumens and technique, it is possible to minimize the trouble. For those with sensitive skin, it is recommended to apply a numbing gel before you begin. Let's get to know some essential tips in order to tweeze your eyebrows without the help of a beautician.

Plucking Eyebrows at Home


Before you start, you need to have a good pair of tweezers. If the tweezers break your hair or slide off, it is going to consume a lot of time. Moreover, it is not going to give you desirable results. Hence, ensure that the tweezers are sharp, clean, and with a fine tip.


Decide upon the shape. See the normal curve of your eyebrows and what sort of a curve will suit your face. Check out some references in case you are confused.


You would probably require to trim your eyebrows a little bit before you pluck them off. Brush them straight and if some of your hair is jutting out of your natural shape of the eyebrows, just trim them. In case they are very bushy and thick, you need to get rid of that excess.

Wash Clean

Warm water helps relax the skin, making the removal of the hair follicle easier. So wash your face, wipe off, and pat the face dry. This will get the face on your skin devoid of moisture for some time.


• Take a white eyeliner and apply it on those strands that are to be removed.
• Now hold the skin tight and taut and start removing the hair follicles forming the arch by holding tweezers close to the base of the hair.
• Pull the hair off in the direction in which it is growing.
• To make things easier, pull the large and dark hair follicles first.
• Now, before you proceed, get the arch of the second brow done.
• While removing the hair follicles from the top of the brow, pluck fine ones that are outside the shape.
• Next, you have to work in the area between the brows.
• Once you do the fine tuning, take a close look in the mirror and pluck fine, light hair follicles.
• Finally, apply an aloe-based lotion or gel using a cotton swab.

Tips for Tweezing

• Never dig the tweezers deep into the skin for grabbing short hair follicles. Let it grow and then pluck the strands off.
• A firm grip of the tweezers is necessary so that the procedure becomes less painful. For that wipe the tweezers' tips with alcohol periodically.
• If you are skeptical about the pain, apply a numbing spray on the eyebrows before you pluck them.
• Plucking once a month, is good enough to keep the eyebrows in shape as in that case you can clearly know which hair follicle stays and which does not.
As you keep doing it regularly, you would get more comfortable and confident, and get better at the process. Eventually, go slow and do not pluck too much at a time. Just observe as to how drastically the appearance of your face changes!