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How to Manage Curly Hair

Chandramita Bora
Curly hair can be quite difficult to manage, especially if your curls are dry, thick, and coarse. Here are some simple tips that can help smooth out your hair, and make your curls beautiful and gorgeous.
If your hair is curly and dry, then it can be a really difficult task to make it manageable. Regular conditioning is a must for managing dry and coarse curls.
If managed properly, those dry and frizzy curls can become soft and beautiful, and give you a stunning look. It is not so difficult to get that look, if you follow the basic hair care tips that are discussed.

Taking Care of Curly Hair

Dryness and unmanageable frizz are the main problems that can be encountered, if you have curly hair. To counteract this problem, you have to choose a mild shampoo that does not steal the essential natural oils from your hair.
If you have curly hair, then be sure to avoid harsh shampoos. Instead, go for a shampoo specifically manufactured for dry and frizzy hair.Usually, a mild moisturizing shampoo is ideal for curly and wavy hair.
Shampooing should always be followed by conditioning, as it can help replenish the lost moisture. Conditioning can be done on a daily basis, but shampooing should be restricted to twice a week. If required, moisturizing cream can be applied to control the extremely dry curls.
Air drying is always better than blow drying. If you use a blow dryer on a daily basis, it can make your hair dry and prone to breakage. To remove tangles, always use a wide-toothed comb, which can help minimize hair breakage.
But if your hair is extremely dry, then cut it short, and follow the aforementioned steps for proper hair care.
Sometimes, you can alter your look simply by choosing the right hairstyle for curly hair. But whether short or long, curly hair should be trimmed at regular intervals, preferably once in a month.

Natural Remedies for Curly and Dry Hair

Apart from the commercial hair conditioners and moisturizing hair care products, a wide range of homemade products can also be used for moisturizing and managing curly hair. Hot oil treatment is the simplest and the most effective way to replenish your hair.
Natural oils like olive, almond, sesame, or coconut oil can protect your hair from dryness. Just warm the oil and message it gently on the scalp and leave it overnight. The next day, shampoo your hair and apply a good conditioner.
Another home remedy for dry and damaged hair can be prepared by mixing eggs and mayonnaise. Apply it on your hair, and let it dry before washing it off with a mild shampoo.Eggs can also be mixed with olive oil to nourish dry hair.
Otherwise, add a few drops of honey to a cup of milk.
Leave it on your hair for 1 to 2 hours and then wash off with a mild shampoo. To control frizz, you can apply coconut milk and lemon juice.
First, grind a coconut in a blender in order to obtain the milk. Then add some lemon juice and keep the mixture in the refrigerator until a layer of creamy foam appears on its top. Now, apply this foam on your hair.
Keep your hair covered with a hot towel for an hour, after which use a mild shampoo to wash your hair. This would help straighten your curls and make them silky and shiny.
Essentially follow a proper hair care regimen, which includes cleaning, conditioning, and moisturizing. The regular application of oil and conditioner, along with some simple homemade products can make your hair as gorgeous and silky as straight hair. However, be sure to choose the right hairstyle that can help you take care of your curly hair.