Mineral Makeup for Oily Skin

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How to Make a Chocolate Face Cream

Anuja Marathe Kanhere
Mineral Makeup for Oily Skin
So you thought chocolates make just a good snack? There is much more to them than just being yummy. So let me tell you how to make the most amazing chocolate cream.
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There is a saying that goes like... God gave wings to angels and he gave chocolates to humans!
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This is so true. Chocolates are loved all around the world by most of the people irrespective of their age. Chocolates are 'feel good' factors of our lives, even though they sneak in large number of calories into our bodies on their consumption. But there is more to chocolate than just being a snack.
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Chocolates have a powerful antioxidant property which acts as an anti-aging formula for a flawless supple skin. Here is an exotic recipe to make your perfect chocolate cream.
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Chocolate Cream Ingredients & Benefits

Whenever choosing the ingredients for a natural face cream, always remember to use only those ingredients that you would never mind eating. After all, the nourishment from these ingredients will seep into your body through your skin pores, if not through your mouth!
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Basic Ingredients for making Chocolate Cream

Cocoa Powder
Chocolate has many health benefits. For centuries together, the cocoa beans have been known for their antioxidant properties. They help reduce the release of free radicals that get generated on skin's contact with the UV rays.
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The use of cocoa stimulates skin hydration and blood circulation. In the process, they keep your skin looking youthful, glowing and soft.
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It has been known for its antibacterial formula and it helps to unclog the skin pores. Preferably use the organic honey available in market.
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Oatmeal or Gram flour
The third ingredient could either be oatmeal or gram flour depending on your skin type. Preferably, use oatmeal for dry skin and gram flour for oily skin types. The anti inflammation and water retention properties of oatmeal help make your dry skin soft. On the other hand, gram flour helps cleanse your pores that make your skin oily and dull.
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Cream or Yogurt
The fourth ingredient could either be cream or yogurt depending upon your skin type. Use cream for dry skin and yogurt for oily skin. Its basic purpose is to add texture to the mask mixture.
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Chocolate Cream for Normal/ Oily/ Dry Skin

Take a clean bowl and carefully add the ingredients in proportions as mentioned below:
  • Cocoa Powder (half a cup)
  • Honey (half a cup)
  • Oatmeal or Gram flour (2 Tablespoons)
  • Cream or yogurt (3 Tablespoons)
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Use a spoon to mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Leave on the counter for about five minutes before its actual application. Remember, it's always a good idea to prepare some extra cream for later use. It can be easily preserved in a refrigerated container.
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Clean your skin thoroughly before you apply the chocolate cream. Now liberally apply the chocolate cream all over your face in circular motions. Leave the mask on for not more than 20 to 25 minutes. Then, gently wash it off with lukewarm water.
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Chocolate Cream for Acne Type Skin

The key ingredients for a chocolate mask for acne include:
  • Cocoa Powder (half a cup)
  • Honey (half a cup)
  • Oatmeal or Gram flour (2 Tablespoons)
  • Cream or yogurt (3 Tablespoons)
  • Green Clay (half a cup)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (quarter of a cup)
  • Peppermint oil (2 drops)
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Use a spoon to mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Leave on the counter for about five minutes before its actual application. The procedure for its application is same as above.
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However, I have one piece of warning for you. Never melt chocolate bars purchased from candy stores for making chocolate face creams. Such bars are likely to contain preservatives which will render the whole process of mask application useless.
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So go ahead and try out the chocolate face cream. It is a perfect way to finally get the perfectly soft glowing skin you always desired. And for all those who love chocolates, there is no harm in secretly licking off some chocolate from a corner of your mouth...its delicious!!