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How to Make Avocado Oil

Bhakti Satalkar
Avocado oil is known for its benefits both for the skin and hair. Buying avocado oil from the stores can be an expensive affair. If one knows the recipe of homemade avocado oil, then one will never end up buying the oil from the store.
The texture of avocado oil is light, due to which it soaks easily into the skin as well as the scalp. Hence, it is popular both as a hair oil as well as skin oil. It can be used for treating dryness of the skin, as much as it can be used for treating hair problems like hair fall, thinning of hair, dandruff, etc. It is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin D.
The lecithin in the oil helps in getting rid of the dryness of the skin, as well as proves to be beneficial in treating wrinkles. People suffering from dry hair also benefit from the use of this oil. Although it has many benefits, it is important to remember that avocado oil is very expensive. Therefore, it is best to learn avocado oil recipe and derive the best benefits of avocado oil.

How to Make Avocado Oil at Home

To make avocado oil, ripe fruits are used. The avocado fruits have a thick outer skin and a large seed at the center. Fleshy pulp surrounds the seed. It is the pulp, which is used to draw oil out of avocado. The ingredients required to make the oil are as follows:
  • approximately 2 kg ripe avocado fruits
  • 1 liter coconut cream (it is an optional ingredient. It is used as it helps in better extraction of oil).
  • muslin cloth
  • water (if required)

Step I

Remove the skin of the avocado fruits. Then separate the seed. After which mash the pulp.

Step II

The next step is to ground the pulp to make a coarse paste. You can either use a mill stone or mechanically make the paste. If you have none of it, you can also use the blender for the said purpose. If it is difficult to make the paste, then you can add tap water to the pulp, which will help in making a paste.

Step III

Then continue to mix the pulp for 40 to 60 minutes at 45 to 50 degree Celsius. The process of mixing is known as malaxation. This is an important process to make avocado oil. It helps in bringing microscopic molecules of oil in the pulp together to form bigger droplets of oil.

Step IV (a)

The next step is to press the malaxed avocado pulp in order to separate the oil from water. This process will be used, if you want pure avocado oil without mixing anything else in it. Often high speed decanting centrifuge process may also be used for separating the oil from the water. The centrifuge process needs the apparatus, which uses centrifugal force for separating liquids from the solids. The apparatus rotates at very high speed and in the process the oil makes its way out from one exit and the water from the other.

Step IV (b)

If you do not have the necessary apparatus, then you can add coconut cream to the malaxed mixture.
  • Pour the mixture in a saucepan. If the mixture appears to be very thick, then you can add some tap water to the mixture.
  • Place the saucepan over low heat and continue to stir the mixture.
  • Continue to cook the mixture, till you see oil separating from the mixture and the mixture becomes a little dry.
  • When the oil is ready to be drained, you will see that the mixture has changed color and is dark brown in color.
  • Pour the mixture in a muslin cloth and squeeze hard to extract the oil. When the oil cools down, store it in a dry air tight bottle.
I hope now you know how to make avocado oil. While one method uses cold press process, the other uses hot press process. You can choose any one according to your choice. If you are using the hot press process the residue that remains after squeezing the oil from the pulp can be used on the skin as a pack. However, do conduct an allergy test before you use the pulp.