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How to Look Good Without Makeup

Ratnashri Dutta
Sometimes, we girls feel too lazy to apply makeup while going out. However, we cannot afford to look bad either! So, how to look good without makeup? Keep reading if you want to know the answer.
Surely we know how bad makeup is for our skin. It makes one look pretty and attractive, but for a heavy price: an older-looking skin. Have you seen the actresses in real life? On screen, they look like princesses, but off screen without makeup, they look older than they actually are.
Obviously, you don't want to end up like that. However, a little makeup is needed to cover all the skin flaws, to make you look good enough to catch the eye of that boy in your class. So what to do? Big dilemma! Here's a solution: some simple beauty tips on how you can look good without a trace of makeup.

No Makeup Look

Many women think that makeup makes them look better. In reality, it's the natural beauty that makes you more attractive. Follow these tips and enjoy the compliments.

Nothing Like Water

Drinking plenty of water every day keeps your skin young and glowing. It flushes out all toxins from your body, thus making your skin healthy and free of blemishes. So, no need for that foundation to hide those marks.

Beauty Sleep Is a Must

Eight hours of proper, well-rested sleep is needed for healthy-looking skin. Lack of proper sleep results in dark circles and puffy eyes. In order to hide these, you opt for makeup. Hence, you can bid adieu to cosmetics if you sleep for 8 hours daily.

Cold Water

Early morning, the first thing that you have to do after brushing your teeth, is splash cold water on your face and eyes. Whether in office or anywhere else, whenever you get time, wash your face with cold water, and you can feel the difference. It will make you feel fresh, and your skin won't have the dull look, which it usually has, by the end of the day. You will have a wide awake look which makes anyone look good.

Exfoliate Your Skin

Another tip is to exfoliate your skin every week. Wash your face with a good cleanser or face wash, and then, scrub it with a gently exfoliating scrub. This will remove all the dead skin cells, and open the pores, letting the skin breathe.

Makeup or Not, Sunscreen is a Must

Whether you apply makeup or not, sunscreen is something which you should never skip. Whenever you're going out, no matter how late you are, applying a good herbal sunscreen is a must. Do not expose your skin to the harsh, damaging rays of the sun.

Well-shaped Eyebrows

When people rest their eyes on your makeup-free, good-looking face, do not let them get distracted by uneven eyebrows. Make sure that your eyebrows are perfect, shaped, and without a single stray hair. Similarly, your eyelashes should also be maintained well so that even with no eye makeup, your eyes look great.

A Good Hairstyle

A good, well-shaped hairstyle can do wonders. Go get a good haircut done, something that suits your face, and you will look pretty.

Great-looking Lips

Even if you are not wearing any lipstick, you should not ignore your lips as they are the most important feature of your face. Make sure that you apply some moisturizer on your lips to make them look soft and supple. Apply lip balm to avoid chapping. Maybe, a slight tinge of lip gloss can do wonders.

A Good Skin Care Routine

No matter how tired you are, there is no excuses for not following a daily skin care routine. If you do not take care of your skin, you cannot expect it to look good all the time. So, a proper skin care routine, with moisturizer and other natural creams, is important. Make sure you use a proper herbal product. Get a facial done at least once a week.

Exercise Daily and Eat a Healthy Diet

Daily exercise will not just keep you healthy and strong, but even your skin will have a perfect, healthy glow on it. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. A healthy diet is good for a healthy skin.
No need to spend all that money on those expensive makeup kits. No need to get your skin get damaged due to the harsh chemicals used in makeup. Naturally, you can have the advantages of a healthy, glowing skin and look attractive too. What do you say girls? Try it out for yourself, and see the difference!