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Ways to Layer Your Hair

Sourabh Gupta
A layered hairstyle is the new trend among fashion buffs. It is mainly for those who like to try out new hairdos every now and then. Here is a guide for those wanting to know how to layer hair.
A layered haircut is not only cool, but also easy to style and manage. In this, varied lengths of hair strands are created through a proper haircut. Hair is cut into layers with the top ones cut shorter than those beneath.
The hair can be cut into long, medium, or short lengths depending on the requirement. This is known as layering. It is done to enhance one's overall look and make a style statement. When combined with contrasting hair colors, it gives a stunning look. Cutting hair into layers can be a lengthy process, but it can be made easy with practice.

Tools Used

Layering can be done with the help of different tools like the traditional scissors, thinning shear, or razor.
The desired hairstyle influences the hairdresser regarding the tool to be used. It also depends on how comfortable he is with it. This is the reason why one should never ask their hairstylist to use a specific tool.
Thinning shears and hair-cutting scissors are almost similar, except that the former has one or both blades notched. A single notched thinning shear cuts more hair than a pair of scissors. The notches help in uniform layering.
You can also try this cut on your own hair, provided you take the necessary precautions. Some things to remember are:

● A few areas like the top of the head and upper part of the forehead fringe benefit more from layering than others do.
● There are other areas where it doesn't do well. Some of those areas are:

>>Nape of the neck
>>Along the side of the head, above the ears
>>Around the hairline, where hair isn't uniform for consistent layering
>>Near the ends where hair is not thick enough to support this kind of a cut

DIY: Layered Haircut

● You need to wash your hair with shampoo, and let it dry.
● Detangle your hair with a wide-tooth comb.

● Bend your head slightly, so that your hair flips down freely.

● Comb your hair again, this time from the scalp towards the floor.
● Divide your hair into two portions, one above the other. Remember that the top portion should be shorter in comparison with the one beneath it; it ought to be approximately one-third the length.
● Bring the top section of hair in front of your eyes and trim straight across. This part should ideally fall over the bridge of the nose. You may alter the length, depending on whether you want a short or a long haircut.
● If you want a short haircut, cut the hair so that it falls just beneath eye level.

● If you want a long hairstyle, cut it such that it falls below the ears.

● Comb this section of hair, hold it between your index and middle finger, and trim the edges. This is the final touch to the top layer.
● Comb the sides upwards, dragging some of the hair that was just cut. Hold the side sections straight up and trim the edges.

● With the help of two mirrors, check the layers in the front and the back. You have finished layering your hair.
Some hair textures are more suitable than others for this style. For example, coarse hair is best suited followed by medium hair, whereas fine hair textures are least suited. Do not cut naturally curly hair in this manner, or else that leaves the hair looking triangular-shaped. Curly hair requires special care and different type of shaping.
Many celebrities have sported layered hairstyles. Jessica Simpson is one such celebrity who made this hairstyle quite popular. If you have coarse hair and are looking for a change in hairstyle, this is the best alternative. Try out this hairstyle and enjoy the attention!