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How to Grow African American Hair

There are many African-American women looking for ways to grow hair naturally. Here are some easy methods that will help you get flowing tresses soon.
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
African-American hair is naturally curly and frizzly. Women nowadays love to color their hair and try many chemicals and styling devices to make their hair look more beautiful. However, this causes the hair to become dry, brittle, and develop split ends.
This in turn causes hair loss and slower growth. There are a number of measures to avoid these hair problems and let your hair grow longer. You can carry these out on a day-to-day basis.

Switch to Natural Hair Products

The first thing to do for growing hair naturally is stop the use of chemical based shampoos and conditioners. Switch over to natural shampoos and hair care products that nourish your hair.
These products will help you improve your hair texture, replace the lost moisture, and replenish the lost minerals. Choose products that contain omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids as they restore dry hair. Also opt for products with jojoba, olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and wheat germ oil.

Eat Healthy

Your hair is often a mirror image of what you eat regularly. You need to follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins and essential minerals. Include fish and nuts to provide the body with natural omega-3 fatty acids that help hair grow faster.
Eat more of green leafy vegetables such as, spinach, kale, lettuce varieties as they contain the important vitamins that help in hair growth.
Fruits should also be eaten daily as they contain a lot of minerals and vitamins. Meat, peanuts, and beans contain proteins that are essential in growing hair naturally.

Massage with Warm Coconut Oil

You need to massage your hair with coconut oil to stimulate hair growth. Before you wash your hair, warm some coconut oil, massage it into your hair, and leave it on for about an hour.
You can even leave your hair with the oil overnight and wash it off the next morning. Coconut oil will keep your hair moisturized, smooth, and prevent breakage. You can even try application of warm olive oil and safflower oil on your scalp.

Use Hair Moisturizers

Keeping the hair moisturized at all times is essential for its health. Make sure you wash your hair at least once a week to promote blood circulation, remove the dust and dirt, and reduce dandruff that causes hair loss.
After washing your hair, use a hair conditioner with natural ingredients to keep your hair healthy. Use hair conditioners that contain amino acids, essential fatty acids, almond, jojoba, coconut oil, and shea.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses daily to help flush out the toxins, impurities, and chemicals from the body that prevent hair growth and cause hormonal imbalances.

Avoid Heat Styling

You should avoid use of flat irons, blow driers, and curling irons as they fry your hair and prevent it from growing longer. You should start using natural brushes made of natural fibers.

Trim Hair Ends Regularly

The most essential step for growing African-American hair is clipping the ends every 6 to 8 weeks. Regular trimming ensures that split ends are removed, thus helping the hair grow longer.

Other Tips

Minimize the use of tight hair braids, cornrows, and glued-in extensions, as they put excessive stress on the hair strands. If you do get braids, make sure you wear them on a weekly basis.
Hair color products contain hydroxides and alcohols that damage the hair. Your hair becomes dry and brittle. Thus, avoid hair coloring as much as possible. If you do need to color your hair, make sure you carry out deep hair conditioning every week. Avoid stress and smoking as it tends to make your hair dull and lifeless.
The key is proper hair care and stopping hair abuse by excessive use of chemicals and styling devices. A healthy diet will ensure healthy hair growth. The thick, curly African-American hair is an envy for every women with fine, straight hair. Take care of your locks and see them become your pride.