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How to Get Smooth Skin Naturally

Smita Pandit
Harsh weather can rob the skin off its natural oils, thereby making it rough. Here are some tips for rejuvenating your skin, and making it soft, smooth, and supple.
While makeup can conceal the blemishes and dark spots on the skin, nothing compares to the beauty of naturally smooth and glowing skin. Blessed are those who have smooth and silky skin, for they don't need to fret about ugly pimples, rough patches, or dark spots.
If your skin appears dull and rough, you can follow natural remedies to get a smooth and radiant skin. Besides following these remedies, you also need to understand that the skin is the largest organ of the body that remains exposed. It needs to be protected from harsh weather.

Natural Remedies for Smooth Skin

Skin care products are heavily advertised, and one might be lured into buying them after watching beautiful models with radiant and flawless skin. However, these products can cut a big hole in your pocket. Moreover, they might not even produce the desired results. This can be a big letdown. Here are simple remedies to get smooth skin naturally.
  • Honey is one of the best natural skin care products. Apply it on the skin to get smooth and supple skin. If exposure to sun has darkened your skin, you can add lemon juice to honey and apply on your skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water. This will lighten your skin and make it smooth.
  • You can also apply a paste made from egg whites and honey. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
  • Ever used a homemade face pack? Make a paste using mashed bananas and milk. Apply it on your face on leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. This will surely moisturize your skin.
  • You can also rub papaya pulp on your face for about 10 minutes. Your skin will surely feel soft and smooth.
  • If you have dark spots on your face, you can apply sandalwood paste on your face. Once it's dry, wash it off with cold water.
  • You can also make a paste by mixing gram flour with yogurt. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it with cold water.
  • Another simple method of getting smooth skin is to apply cucumber juice. You can also mix cucumber juice with milk and use it as a cleanser. This will surely soften and rejuvenate your skin.
  • Those of you who have oily skin can make a face pack using half a teaspoon of peppermint extract and one tablespoon each of cucumber juice and mint juice. Once it's dry, wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • If you have a habit of using very hot water for taking bath, you must stop immediately. Hot water robs the skin off its natural oils and makes it dry and rough. Make sure that you moisturize your skin after taking bath. You can use almond oil for moisturizing your skin.
  • It is also very important to keep yourself hydrated. You must drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Following a healthy diet is equally important. Drink coconut water instead of carbonated beverages. Cut down on the intake of processed food and oily foods. Also, increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables
Do try the aforementioned remedies to get radiant and smooth skin. If your skin is very sensitive, you can do a patch test first. Also, make other lifestyle-related changes. Avoid smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, and excessive intake of caffeinated drinks. 
If you wear makeup everyday, make sure that you remove it before going to bed. Follow a proper skin care regimen, and you will see a marked improvement in the texture of your skin.