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How to Get Perfect Lips

Rashida Khilawala
The lips are the most prominent feature of the face, after the eyes. So, if you are trying to look perfect, then it is essential to know how to get perfect lips. This story includes some easy-to-execute tips.
The perfect pair of lips can really make your face look brighter, happier, and alluring. However, to look our best requires a certain amount of effort, since most of us are not blessed with movie star features.
This is the reason why we're including these easy tips to help you primp your lips in a natural, non-cosmetic manner. Take a look.

Simple Tricks to Make Your Lips Look Perfect

Trick # 1

Lips are delicate and the skin on the lips is sensitive. So sensitive that smoking can darken it and the sun can damage it. So, make sure you use a lip balm that has a high SPF, especially if you are a smoker. The sunscreen will reduce the dehydrating impact of the cigarette and protect the lips from the harmful UV rays as well. More so, it will also help avoid discoloration as well.

Trick # 2

Make sure that you exfoliate your lips on a regular basis. Mild scrubbing with a toothbrush in a circular motion will do the trick. It will remove all the dead cells and soften the lips as well. However, always remember to moisturize your lips well after you exfoliate them. Else they will get more dehydrated than before. Weekly exfoliation should be enough, however, the time gap can be flexible as per convenience and requirement.

Trick # 3

Scrubbing the lips, lightly, with rose water and sugar also works well. Not only does it soften the lips but it also gives them a very sweet aftertaste. More so, using this method will avoid any chances of you scratching your lips. Chances of them drying are also relatively less with this method. This method of exfoliation can be used everyday as it uses sugar and rose water which are harmless for the lips.

Trick # 4

Drink plenty of water. The first body part to show the effects of dehydration are your lips. Drinking enough water in the day will make sure that your lips don't look dry, rough or chapped. More so, every time you feel your lips getting a little dry, drink water. This will moisten them instantly. More so, drinking enough water helps make the skin glow as well, giving your face a healthy and picture-perfect look.

Trick # 5

Always use a lip balm before you put on lipstick. Not only will this make the lipstick look fresh all day, but it will also protect your lips from any chemical damage that the lipstick may cause. Apply a decently thick layer of lip balm as it gets absorbed and makes the lips look fuller. Lip balm is perfect to make sure that the lips look full and the lipstick gets applied better and doesn't crack in the course of the day.

Trick # 6

Nightly moisturizing is the key to perfect lips. Make sure that you apply a thick layer of lip moisturizer on your lips before you go to bed. The layer should be thick enough so that your lips look white (or the color of the moisturizer). Over the night, your lips will absorb the moisturizer and it will dry out. By morning, you will have soft lips.

Trick # 7

A healthy diet is the easiest way to have perfect healthy lips. Fruits and vegetables will keep your lips gorgeously pink and hydrated.
These natural methods to hydrate and beautify your lips may take some time, so you need to be patient and diligently follow the routines. You are sure to see the results in a few weeks' time.