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How to Deal with Sagging Skin

Chandramita Bora
Sagging and loose skin is a sign of aging. But many people can face this problem at a young age due to sudden weight loss. Know more about its causes and treatment or prevention, through this post.
Sagging skin is a sign that your skin is losing its former elasticity due to aging. However, young people can also experience this condition, especially if they do not take care of their skin. Though drooping skin is an inevitable part of the natural process of aging, its development can be delayed with proper skin care.

Causes of Loose Skin

As we age, the production of collagen and elastin reduces. Collagen and elastin are the fibrous scleroproteins of the connective tissues, and they are responsible for maintaining skin elasticity. They help prevent sagging and keep the skin firm, against the gravitational pull.
When the formation of collagen and elastin starts to reduce, the skin becomes loose. The result is sagging or drooping skin. This is a natural process, which can be delayed with adequate care, but cannot be prevented. This natural process of aging is often accelerated by factors, like over-exposure to sunlight and free radicals.
Sometimes, it can also be caused by rapid weight loss. Even pregnant women can experience this condition in the abdominal region after delivery. During pregnancy the skin stretches a lot, and after delivery, it contracts suddenly. This make the skin loose.

How to Deal with Sagging Skin?

The skin can be tightened with the help of both non-surgical treatment and surgical procedures. The non-invasive methods employed for this purpose basically include some specially formulated creams and lotions that contain natural compounds, like vitamin C, retinol or vitamin A, and hydroxy acids.
These compounds can help tighten the skin to reduce sagging. They can accelerate the development of new skin cells, and stimulate the production of collagen.
Many people also use copper peptide creams to tighten loose skin. Even facial exercises can help strengthen the facial muscles, and thus tighten the sagging skin of the face. For firming loose skin, you can also start a workout regimen.
This is especially ideal for those who get loose skin after delivery or after losing a significant amount of weight. However, these non-surgical methods can take time to tighten drooping skin, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Therefore, many people opt for invasive treatment, which includes face lift and surgical methods. Laser treatment is a popular option for skin resurfacing, which can help tighten loose skin.
Botox injections are another temporary solution for this problem. However, for more permanent results, dermatologists perform a face lift. A face lift can be quite painful, and it can cause a lot of swelling.
It is possible to prevent the skin from becoming loose with proper skin care, and a balanced diet. So, consider to include more fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, to maintain the health of your skin.
Also important is to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly, which can help maintain skin elasticity, and delay the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Massaging the skin with natural oils, like coconut oil, almond oil, vitamin E oil, and shea butter can also help increase the elasticity of the skin.
As excessive exposure to sunlight can cause skin sagging, and the development of wrinkles and fine lines, never forget to protect your skin by using sunscreens or sunblocks while stepping out in the sun.