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How to Cut Curly Hair

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Cutting curly hair and giving it a stylish look can be achieved by following certain tips. This article gives some suggestions on how to cut curly hair.
It is a fact that not many women appreciate having curly hair. They rather prefer having straight and smooth hair which can be styled in a myriad number of ways. If not maintained properly, curly hair looks frizzy and unmanageable. One of the worst problems with it is cutting and giving it shape. The hairstyle that results after cutting curly hair is very unpredictable. Nevertheless, with proper planning and a qualified hairdresser, a curly haircut can look stylish and attractive.
Prior to cutting your hair, decide on the final look you would like to sport. You can take advice from your friends about the hairstyles that will suit you. If possible, consult a professional hairdresser to suggest styles that will suit your hair type, face structure, and personality. For any facial features, curly hair looks best after being cut in layers.

Selecting the Right Salon

It is not uncommon that many women with curly hair regret after visiting a hair salon. Many of the hairdressers do not have proper knowledge about haircut styles for such hair. Very often, they tend to apply the same hairstyle as that of straight hair and the results are quite disappointing. Hence, to avoid these circumstances, always visit a hair salon having professional hairdressers. Though they may charge higher fees, spending the expenses is far better than regretting and waiting for the next haircut.

Decide the Haircut

While choosing the haircut, make sure you refer to the hairstyle ideas for curly hair only. Do not try to experiment a straight hairstyle on your hair. Also, take care of the length that you want to cut. Always remember that curly hair looks longer when it is wet or blow-dried straight. Considering this unique nature of your hair, decide the haircut type and the length that you want to retain.

Check the Hair Texture

Consider your hair texture while deciding the haircut. The lesser the hair length, the tighter will be the curls. Delicate, wavy hair appears gorgeous with short haircuts (at shoulder length), while hair having bigger curls looks good with multi-layered cuts. Also, based on the hair texture, the amount of layering should be decided. Too much layering will result in a bigger appearance.

Other Tips

As already mentioned, curly hair looks different in wet condition. Hence, cutting should always be done on dry hair. When it comes to shaping the hair, blunt cuts are strictly not advisable. Trimming in a blunt style will result in a dull look. Another important tip for cutting curly hair is to cut just before or after the curls. Otherwise, cutting at the middle of the curls will give an untidy and uneven look.
If you want a new look, then you can consider a short haircut. Some of the other thumb rules to be followed are proper hair care, smoothening unruly hair by applying hair spray, and straightening long, overly-curly hair with a mild product and a hair straightener. Following these easy tips while cutting curly hair will help you achieve a neat hairstyle that will match your style statement and personality.