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How to Cure Acne Fast

Though acne is not a harmful or life-threatening condition, it may lead to scarring and pigmentation. Here are some tips to cure acne fast.
Sonia Nair
Acne is one of the common cosmetic concerns. In most cases, acne is characterized by eruptions that may include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. It may or may not be accompanied with pain and inflammation. Usually, acne develops on locations that have numerous sebaceous glands; and they include the face, neck, chest, and the back. As acne can cause scarring and pigmentation, it is always better to control them during the initial stages.

Tips for Curing Acne Quickly

In most cases, hormonal imbalance plays a major role in acne outbreak. The sebaceous glands in the skin get clogged with the excess sebum. They may get infected, thereby leading to pus formation and swelling. Such skin infection has to be cured fast, to prevent acne scars and pigmentation.
You may come across a wide range of skin care products that are said to be effective for this purpose. While these products may prove effective for some people, others end up spending lots of money without any noticeable results. Here are some guidelines for eliminating acne.
  • Proper skin care could be the answer for a host of skin problems, including acne. You have to cleanse the skin using a soap that is meant for those with acne. This should be done twice a day - once in the morning and once before going to bed at night. 
  • During daytime, wash the face (2 to 3 times) with plain water, and use a towel to blot the moisture.
  • You must also increase water consumption. Apart from that, go for an acne-cure diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid consumption of fried and fatty food. You may also increase intake of foods rich in zinc.
  • Avoid poking and prodding the pimples with unwashed hands, because bacteria can worsen the infection or cause it. So keep off your hands from acne. Even hair should be kept clean and free of oil, so as to reduce acne.
  • Another golden rule regarding acne cure is avoidance of make up, especially the oil-based ones. 
  • If you use makeup, remove it as soon as possible, and opt for water-based products.
  • There are various acne cure home remedies, some of which can be really effective. They include warm water mixed with an equal quantity of lemon juice, taken on an empty stomach, every morning. 
  • Fresh lemon juice mixed with rose water can be applied on the skin, for getting rid of acne. Even mint juice, aloe vera gel and ripe tomato pulp are said to be effective acne herbal cure.
  • Baking soda may work wonders for relieving acne. You have to make a paste of one cup baking soda with three tablespoons of salt and water. 
  • The mixture must have the consistency of regular toothpaste. Apply this paste on acne and rinse off after a few minutes. You may also use egg whites for this purpose. Apply egg whites on the skin before bedtime, and wash off the next morning.
It will be better to consult a dermatologist for severe and persistent acne.
Acne scar removal is possible with some cosmetic surgeries. Some of the natural cures, like olive oil, lemon juice, vitamin E, and sandal wood paste, may be effective for reducing the scars, in the long run.
Disclaimer: This story is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.