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Home Remedy for Hair Loss

Kundan Pandey
Hair loss could occur due to a wide range of reasons. Nutritional deficiencies, use of hair products that contain harsh chemicals, hormonal imbalance, scalp infections, etc., are some of the contributing factors for thinning hair or pattern baldness. This write-up provides a few natural remedies that can be followed by people affected by this condition.
Hair loss can affect both men and women. Though people with a family history of pattern baldness might be susceptible, there could be several contributing factors for thinning hair or baldness. Needless to say, this hair problem could affect those who don't follow a healthy diet. Prolonged stress, use of shampoos that contain harsh chemicals, or excessive use of hair straighteners or hair color could be the underlying cause.
Pulling the hair tightly into cornrows, braids, or similar hairstyles could also make one susceptible. The development of bald spots or thinning of hair could occur due to aging or medical conditions such as alopecia areata, hair pulling disorder, or scalp infections.

Home Remedies

  • Mustard seeds are rich in nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, protein, and zinc. So, it can serve as a good remedy against loss of hair. Take a cup of boiling water and add a tablespoon of mustard seed in it. Cook the mixture for about 5 to 10 minutes and allow it to cool for some time. After the mixture has cooled, drink it.
  • Olive oil is another remedy that works against hair fall. Take two to three tablespoons of olive oil, rosemary, 1 lemon juice, and 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture on the scalp for half an hour and leave it to dry. Once it dries, wash it off with water.
  • Cumin seeds are also good for hair growth. Take ½ cup of olive oil and add a tablespoon of cumin seeds in it. Rub the mixture properly over the scalp and leave it for an hour. After the mixture dries, rinse it off carefully.
  • Coconut oil has also been found to be useful. Take ½ cup of coconut oil, and add some dry pieces of Indian gooseberry (amla) to it. Boil the mixture and let it cool. Apply it on the scalp. Wash it off after 30 minutes.

Herbal Remedies

Here are a few herbal remedies that you can follow:
  • Jojoba oil is a popular herbal cure for many skin and hair-related problems. Regularly massaging the scalp with this oil has been found to be beneficial.
  • Boil a few neem leaves in 4 cups of water. Filter this boiled liquid leaving behind the sludge. Apply this liquid on the scalp. Leave it for a duration of 10 minutes, and rinse with water.
Just relying on these remedies will not suffice, it is essential to follow a healthy diet that is rich in all the required nutrients. Nutritional deficiencies can make the hair weak and dull, which is why a dietary solution should also be sought.
Also, avoid the excessive use of chemicals on your hair, as that might make you susceptible to baldness in the later stages of life. Make the right lifestyle choices, and follow relaxation techniques such as yoga and deep breathing exercises to prevent stress.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.